Monday, December 1, 2014

Amr ibn Aas (l.a.) – the accursed

Enmity with the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and his descendants leads a person to the worst kind of life in this world and the hereafter. We wish to introduce one such personality which deceived the whole world. He considered deception to be his mastery but did not realise that it was shaitaan who deceving him.
He converted to Islam in 8 A.H. and had fought all the wars against muslims prior to his conversion. He was one of the envoys towards Negus, the ruler of Abyssinia. They tried to convince the king to turn away the muslim migrants from his country. He even divorced his wife when she converted to Islam.

Condemned by Holy Quran
Amr ibn Aas (l.a) was a person of low self esteem and had such love of this world that he did not want to compromise on it.
When Ibrahim the son of the messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a) passed away Amr ibn Aas (l.a) stood and said:

Muhammad has become ابتر i.e (he does not have a progeny), and I taunt him more than anyone else and I say the most evil about him.
(Asraar-e-Aale Muhammad pg 404)

Allah revealed the following verse about him:

إِنَّ شانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَر

Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity.
(Surah Kausar: 3)

Mu’awiyah (l.a) seeks help from Amr ibn Aas (l.a)

Nasr narrates from Umar ibn Saad and Abdullah:
Mu’awiyah (l.a) wrote to Amr ibn Aas (l.a) when the later was in Palestine:
The news of Talhah, Zubair and Ali (regarding Khilafat) would have reached you. Marwan ibn Hakam with a group of people who oppose Ali has come running to me and on the other hand Jurair ibn Abdullah has come to me asking me to pledge allegiance to Ali. My breath is suffocating in my chest. Come to me so that none is between us.
(Paykare-s-Siffeen pg 55)
This letter indicates that Mu’awiyah (l.a) was sure that Amr ibn Aas would help him in his vicious plans against Ameerul Momeneen (a.s).
On receiving this letter Amr ibn Aas (l.a) consulted his sons Abdullah and Muhammad. Abdullah advised him against helping Mu’awiyah (l.a) and save his religion and hereafter whereas Muhammad advised him to help Mu’awiyah (l.a). Amr ibn Aas (l.a) was blind with the love of the world and accepted the advice of his son Muhammad.
(Paykare-s-Siffeen pg 56)

Amr ibn Aas (l.a) sells his faith

When Mu’awiyah called Amr, he discussed about Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and the reason for fighting him “I do not deny his capability. But he has given air to mischief and encouraged the killers of ‘Uthman in their cruel deed. Therefore it is our duty to claim qisas from him. I have called you to discuss about the matter of claiming the qisas
 ‘Amr realized that Mu’awiyah was not coming out honestly with him and retorted, “You have called me to gather people under your flag, but not being honest with me. Who will trust you that you want to fight a war for avenging the blood of ‘Uthman? The world knows that during the siege ‘Uthman had pleaded you for help. But you did not pay any heed to his call. Even I moved away to Palestine leaving him to the mercy of the rebels. If you really want me to cooperate with you, then you must talk openly to me. We know each other very well. The truth is that Hazrat ‘Ali’s services to Islam, his superiority in learning, his precedence in accepting the Faith and Migration are such that I do not have the courage to fight with him. It will be the work of a person with great courage.”
Mu’awiyah knew ‘Amr would be looking for a huge compensation for his cooperation. When asked, ‘Amr said: “Until you rule, the state of Egypt must be under me.”
When Mu’awiyah heard this claim, he was stunned. The price asked was far more than he expected. However, he was in no position to turn down his demand nor did he wish to accept it. He stared at ‘Amr and said, “I can make a false promise, but I do not want to take you up the garden path.” ‘Amr, “Try to cheat me. I have the means of handling every trick.” Mu’awiyah said: “I suggest that you reconsider your demand. If you remain insistent, people would say that to grab the emirate of Egypt you have taken the step.”
‘Amr replied, “What people will say does not bother me. No excuses from you will work with me. If you agree to the demand I have made, I shall support you wholeheartedly. Otherwise, you do what suits you.” Saying this ‘Amr got up as if to leave.
When ‘Utbah ibn Abi-Sufyan heard about this conversation, he told Mu’awiyah: “We are not willing to buy ‘Amr by parting with Egypt.”
Mu’awiyah said, “I have not made any decision as yet. Tonight I shall think over it.” He spent the night in deep thought and decided that to make use of the cunning and shrewdness of ‘Amr he will have to promise parting away Egypt to him. Therefore, he called ‘Amr and finalized the deal with him. He wrote out a formal agreement and handed over to him. Taking the document, ‘Amr came back to his residence happily and mentioned about it to a cousin of his. The cousin knit his brows and said, “I wonder what face you will show to the Quraysh? How will you spend an honorable life with your tribe when you are already infamous for your habit of selling your faith?” ‘Amr said, “If I was with Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s.), the four walls of my house would be sufficient for me. Now I am with Mu’awiyah and cannot sit content with the four walls of my house. “His cousin said, “Mu’awiyah has certainly bought your faith. You are after him for worldly gains.” (The Battle of Siffin pg 13)

Amr ibn Aas (l.a) speaks lie against Ameerul Momeneen (a.s) in Syria:

He spoke the following sermon:
The messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a) made me the leader of an army which included Abu Bakr and Umar and I thought that he chose me because of his respect to me. On return I asked him (s.a.w.a):
O Messenger of Allah, who is the most beloved to you?
He said: Ayesha
I asked: Who among the men
He replied: Her father.
Then Amr ibn Aas (l.a) continued:
O People: This is Ali who speaks bad about Abu Bakr and Umar and Uthman even though he has heard from the messenger of Allah that Allah has put truth on the tongue and the heart of Umar and about Uthman that angels are ashamed of him and I have heard from Ali that Abu Bakr and Umar are the leaders of the elders of the paradise.
(Asraar-e-Aale-Muhammad pg 403)
When Ameerul Momeneen (a.s) was informed of this he said:
It is strange that the rebellious people from Syria accept the words of Amr ibn Aas (l.a) whereas they know he has attributed lie to him (s.a.w.a) and that he (s.a.w.a) cursed him seventy times and also his friend Mu’awiyah (l.a).
He wrote seventy couplets insulting Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) and then he (s.a.w.a) said:
O Allah! I neither say poetry nor consider it Halaal. You and your angels curse him for all his seventy couplets so that it falls on his progeny till Qayamat.
(Asraar-e-Aale-Muhammad pg 404)
In a tradition we find that Ameerul Momeneen (a.s) cursed Mu’awiyah (l.a), Amr ibn Aas (l.a), Abu Musa (l.a) and Abu Awar Sulami (l.a) in his morning prayers.
(Behaar al Anwaar vol 8 pg 566)

Raise the Quran on Spears

When Mu’awiyah (l.a) was about to be defeated in the battle of Siffeen he told Amr ibn Aas (l.a):
O Amr ! You have only one night (to turn my defeat in victory).
Amr ibn Aas (l.a) said:

Your army has reduced in number and the ones remaining do not have the strength to fight and also you are not like Ali. He is fighting you for a cause (religion) and you have a different cause (world). You desire life and safety whereas he seeks martyrdom. You create such a problem for them that whether they reject or accept it, a dispute will break amongst them. Raise the Quran on spears which will take you to your purpose and I chose this way for you.
(Asraar-e-Aale-Muhammad pg 404)

Deception and Cowardness of Amr Al Aas

In the battle of Siffin, Amir al-Mu’minin called out Mu’awiyah and said “O Mu’awiyah. You are shedding the blood of people unnecessarily. Come let us both fight each other and the one who wins shall be deemed to have won the battle and occupy the seat of the caliphate.” ‘Amr said, “Hazrat Ali (a.s.) has said the truth. Both of you are the nucleus of the conflict. You may fight and come to a decision yourself.” Mu’awiyah told ‘Amr: “You are not being just. You know it pretty well that whoever has fought him has always been killed.”
 ‘Amr said, “I do not want that you avoid combat and fall in the estimation of the people. “Mu’awiyah said, “Do you think that you will tempt me to lose my life? Do you wish that I get killed and you become the ruler?” Saying this, Mu’awiyah turned back and slowly went towards the last row of his troops. Mu’awiyah was already angry at the impertinence of ‘Amr. To cool his temper ‘Amr said, “If you do not want to fight with Hazrat Ali (a.s.), I shall do that. Therefore, he decided to go for the combat. At one point of time he went to the arena and challenged Hazrat Ali (a.s.) for a combat. The Imam (a.s.) spurred his horse and came fast to the arena. When he raised his sword, ‘Amr Aas purposely fell down from his horse and put his legs up. Thus, his private parts were exposed. When the Imam (a.s.) saw this contemptible act of ‘Amr, he turned away his face. ‘Amr got up dusting his cloak and ran towards his people. When Mu’awiyah heard about this episode, he chided ‘Amr: “O ‘Amr. Thanks to Allah your life was saved because of your private parts.” (The Battle of Siffin pg 47).

At the age of around 80 years he died and was buried in Egypt. It brought an end to a life full of deception and corruption. He sold his faith for the sake of the world but has a big mosque in his name in Cairo, Egypt. Till date, there are many who are deceived by his role and consider him to be one of the great companions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). May Allah curse the deceivers.

The companions of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.)

يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنُوا إِنْ تَنْصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنْصُرْكُمْ وَ يُثَبِّتْ أَقْدامَكُم‏

“O you who believe ! if you help (the cause of) Allah, He will help you and make firm your feet.” (Surah Mohammed 47 : 7)

As we glance through the pages of history, we realize that the tortures of the Bani Abbas caliphs only went on increasing. And as they realized that the advent promised Mahdi is near, they became more cautious over keeping an eye on Imams (a). The tyrant ruler Mutawakkil (la) forced Imam Hadi (a) to migrate from Madina to Samarra so that he can be kept under house arrest. The same fate followed Imam Hasan Askari (a) as well who was under house arrest in Samarra. However, despite being very vigilant about the activities of Imam Askari (a), history has recorded more than 100 companions of Imam.

For the lovers of Imam Zamana (a.t.f.s.) the pleasure of visiting the house of Imam Zamana (a.t.f.s.) in Samarra is indeed incomparable to any other pleasure. Visiting the blessed graves of Imam Askariain (a.s.) is very close to their hearts despite all the danger associated to this visit. And this has been the case always. We see in history that during the lifetime of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) the companions of imam Hasan Askari ( a.s ) use to disguise themselves as cloth sellers or oil merchants etc and risk their lives for the love of the beloved imam and for the sheer desire to visit the imam (a.s.)

In this article we shall mention and discuss a few of them.

1.    Abu Ali Ahmad bin Ishaaq bin Abdullah bin Sa’d bin Malik bin al-Ahwas al-Ash’ari al-Qummi

His role as a scholar
He was the deputy of the people of Qum. He narrated traditions from Imam Mohammad Taqi (a) and Imam Ali Naqi (a). He was from the close companions of Imam Hasan Askari (a). He had written some books such as ‘Ilal as-Sawm: causes of fasting’ and ‘Masa’ilar-Rijal: questions of men’ which he had collected from Imam Reza (a). Sheikh at-Toosi said he was one from those who had met Imam Mahdi (a) (Ref: RijalToosi)

Gifts for him
Muhammad bin Ahmed bin as-Salt al-Qummi wrote a letter to Imam (a.s.) and mentioned in it the story of Ahmed bin Isaaq al-Qummi and his companionship. He mentioned that he wanted to perform the hajj and needed one thousand dinars. He said in the letter, ‘If my master sees that he orders to lend him this amount and get it back from him in his country when he comes back, I shall do (give him the money).’ The imam (a) replied, ‘It is a gift from us to him and when he comes back, he will get another gift from us (Ref: RijalKashi) This story showed his faith and the respect of the Imam (a) towards him.

Abu Ali Ahmed ibne Ishaq once requested Imam Askari ( a.s ) to give him a specimen of his handwriting so that whenever he receives a letter from him (a.s.), he could verify its authenticity. Imam (a.s.) told him that beware that the writing varies due to the coarseness and thickness of pen and should not confuse him. Imam (a.s.) then started to write a sample letter. Abu Ali started thinking in his heart that how nice it would have been if Imam (a.s.) would give him his pen so that he could seek blessing from it and benefit from the pen of Imam (a.s.). Imam (a.s.) after finishing the letter engaged in discussion with Abu Ali, upon seeking farewell Imam (a.s.) told Abu Ali to take the pen with him. (Shagirdaane Maktabe Aimmah (a.s.) by Mohammed Ali Aalami)

How nice a gift this great companion received from Imam ( a.s ), from the Imam (a.s.) who knew what was in his heart. May Allah give us this taufeeq that we also intend to seek and received such tabarruk from Imam Zamana (a.t.f.s.) which can be used for protecting the shias of Ahle Bait ( a.s ).

He visited Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)
Abdullah bin Ja’far al-Himyari said, ‘Once, Sheikh Abu Amr (may Allah have mercy on him) and I met Ahmad bin Isaaq, who made a sign to me to ask Abu Amr about the Successor (Imam Mahdi). I said to him, ‘O Abu Amr, I want to ask you about something that I have no doubt about.’ He said, ‘Ask about what you want!’ I said to him, ‘Did you see the Successor after Abu Muhammad (a)?’ He said, ‘By Allah, yes.’ (Ref: Al-Kafi, chp of Hujjat)
He is one of the honorable persons to meet Imam Mahdi (a) on more than one accession (Ref: NajmusSaqib)

The final journey
Once while returning from Samarra Abu Ali seeked farewell from Imam (a.s.) and requested that he wants to meet Imam (a.s.) again. Imam (a.s.) propheciesed that he would pass to the next world on his way back home at the bridge of dhiaab. Indeed this is a great reward that Hazrat informs his servants the place and time of death. Not just this but Imam (a.s.) himself by tayyul arz reached Halwan at the bridge of Dhiaab and gave ghusl and kafan to Abu Ali. Abu Ali is buried close to the bridge above the river of Dhiaab on the way to Baakhtaran at Baghdad. (Shagirdaane Maktabe Aimmah (a.s.) by Mohammed Ali Aalami)

2.    Dawud bin al-Qassim

He was known as Abu Hashim al-Ja’fari. He was one of the eminent Muslims and one of the famous scholars in religion. His lineage belonged to the eternal martyr in Islam Ja’far bin Abu Talib at-Ţayyar. He was the son of al-Qassim bin Isaaq bin Abdullah bin Ja’farand there was no lineage more than this noble lineage at all.
Abu Hashim was very loyal to the infallible imams (a). He met Imam Reza, Imam Jawad, Imam Hadi and Imam Hasan Askari (a). He devoted himself to them. He composed good poetry on praising them.Abu Hashim had a high position near the imams whom he was contemporary with. Once, Imam al-Hadi (a) said to him, ‘O Abu Hashim, which blessing of Allah you want to be grateful for? Allah has endowed you with faith that saves your body from Fire, endowed you with soundness that helps you in obedience, and endowed you with satisfaction that keeps you away from degradation.

All classes of the society highly regarded Abu Hashim. Biographers said about him, ‘He was preferred by rulers. He was pious, devoted, ascetic, knowledgeable, and active. No one of the Talibites at his time was like him in his high lineage. He died in Jumadi al-Ula in 261 AH a year after the death of Imam Hasan Askari (a)

Abu Hashim's sheer love for Imam Hadi (a.s ) made him complain once to Imam (a.s.) that he and his horse had become old and there was not enough pasture on the way to samarra for his old horse to feed upon hence he was not able to frequent to Samarra to visit Imam ( a.s ). In return Imam ( a.s ) prayed for him and his horse after which his horse became so strong that Abu Hashim would leave baghdad at morning and would recite zohar prayers at Samarra and would reach back baghdad by evening after meeting Imam ( a.s ). (Shagirdaane Maktabe Aimmah (a.s.) by Mohammed Ali Aalami)
There is a lot, we can ask too from our Imam of the time with regards to our strength in working for Imam (a.s.)

3.    Abdul Azeem ibn Abdillah al-Hassani

He belonged to the pure progeny of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a). He was the son of Abdullah bin Ali bin al-Hasan bin Zayd bin Imam Hasan (a). Sheikh at-Toosi mentioned him as one of Imam al-Askari's companions. (Ref: RijalToosi) An-Najashi mentioned that Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Khalid al-Barqi said, ‘Abdul Azeem came to Rey escaping from the ruler. He lived in a vault in a house of one of the Shia in Sikkat al-Mawali. He worshipped Allah in that vault; fasting the day and spending the night in praying and supplicating. He went out in disguise to visit the tomb that was opposite to his tomb (later on). He said that it was a tomb of one of the sons of Imam Musa bin Ja’far (a). He remained living in that vault and his news moved from one to another of the Shia until most of them knew him. Once, a man from the Shia saw in sleep that the Messenger of Allah (s) said to him, ‘A man from my progeny shall be carried from Sikkat al-Mawali and buried near the apple tree in the garden of Abdul Jabbar bin Abdul Wahab’ and he pointed to the place. The man went to buy the tree and its place from its owner. The owner asked him, ‘What for do you want to buy the tree and its place?’ The man told him about his dream, and then the owner of the tree remembered that he also had seen such a dream and entailed the place of the tree and all the garden on the Sharif and the Shia to be buried in. Abdul Azeem became ill and then died. When he was to be washed, a piece of paper was found in his pocket written in it his noble lineage.

Shah Abdul Azeemwas a knowledgeable jurisprudent. Abu Hammadar-Razi said, ‘Once, I went to Ali bin Muhammad an-Naqi (a) in Surra Man Ra’a. I asked him about some questions of halal and haram and he answered me. When I wanted to leave him, he said to me, ‘O Hammad, if something of your religion is dubious to you, ask Abdul Azeem bin Abdullah al-Hasani about it and give him my best regards (Ref: Mu'jamRijal al-Hadith, Vol. 10 Pg. 53)

It is mentioned in KaamiluzZiyaraat, Pg. 354 (English) that a man went to Imam Hadi (a) and he asked me, “Where are you coming from?” I replied, “I went to the Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.).” Imam (a) said, “If you had gone to the Ziyarat of the grave of Abdul Azeem who is buried near you, you would have been like one has gone to the Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a).

4.    Ali bin Ja’far al-Humani al-Barmaki

Al-Barqi mentioned him as one of Imam Mohammed Taqi (a) and Imam Hasan Askari's companions (RijalBarki) Sheikh at-Toosi said, ‘He was a good, benevolent man from the agents of Abul Hasan and Abu Muhammad (a) (Ref: Al-Ghaybah)

Abu Ja’far al-Umari said, ‘Once, Abu Tahir bin Bilal went to perform the hajj and he saw Ali bin Ja’far spend too much money. When he went back, he wrote to Imam Askari (a) about that and Imam replied to him: ‘We have ordered to give him one hundred thousand dinars and then another one hundred thousand dinars but he refused to take them so that we would keep them for people. He went to Abul Hasan (a) and he ordered to give him thirty thousand dinars.

Al-Kashshi mentioned that Yousuf bin as-Sakht said, ‘Ali bin Ja’far was one of the deputies of Imam al-Hadi (a). One day, he was betrayed near Mutawakkil (la) who threw him in prison. He remained in prison for a long time and he could not bear longer. Therefore, he asked an agent of the Abbasid government to intercede for him to be set free and he would give him three thousand dinars for that. The agent went to Ubaydillah, who had a good position near Mutawakkil (la), and asked him to intercede with Mutawakkil(la) for Ali bin Ja’far. Ubaydillah responded to him and interceded with Mutawakkil (la) to set Ali bin Ja’far free, but Mutawakkil (la) refused and said to him, ‘If I doubted you, I would say you are a Rafidhi (Shia). This is a deputy of Abul Hasan al-Hadi and I have determined to kill him.’
Ubaydillah regretted his intercession and told his friend (the agent) that Mutawakkil (la) had determined to kill Ali bin Ja’far and there was no chance for setting him free. Ali bin Ja’far became so distressed and wrote a letter to Imam al-Hadi (a) saying to him, ‘O my master, please do something for me! I fear I may lose my faith.’ Imam al-Hadi (a) replied to him, ‘Since the matter has reached this point with you, I will pray Allah for you.’
Mutawakkil (la) became seriously ill and his fever increased. Therefore, he ordered his men to set free all prisoners and gave a special order to set Ali bin Ja’far free. Mutawakkil (la) ordered Ubaydillah to set Ali free and to beg him to forgive him for what he had done to him. Ali was set free and went to live in Mecca as Imam al-Hadi (a) had ordered him. (Ref: RijalKashi)

Al-Kashi mentioned in the biography of Faris bin Hatim al-Qazwini that there was a dispute between Ali bin Ja’far and Faris, and that Ibrahim bin Muhammad wrote to Imam Hadi (a) telling him about that and asking him to show him which of them he should follow. Imam Hadi (a) replied to him saying, “It should not be asked about one like this man and he should never be doubted. The position of Ali bin Ja’far is so great to us. May Allah please us with him. He is far above to be compared with others. Go to Ali bin Ja’far to satisfy your needs, and fear Faris and do not let him interfere in your affairs. Let you and those who follow you from the people of your country do that. I have been informed of what he (Faris) misrepresented to people. Do not pay attention to him Inshallah(Ref: RijalKashi)

This letter shows that this man was so faithful that the imam (a.s.) had appointed him as an authority for the Shia.

Other notable companions that we have not discussed in detail are

5.    Abu Isaaq Ibrahim bin Mahziyar al-Ahwazi

6.    Muhammad bin al-Hasan as-Saffar (Author of BasaerudDarajaat)

7.    Abu AmrUsman bin Sa’eed al-Amriaz-Zayyat (1st special representative of Imam Mahdi (atfs))

8.    Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Usman al-Amri(2ndspecial representative of Imam Mahdi (atfs))
May Allah give us the Taufeeq of being among the servants, if not companions of Imam Mahdi (a)

The above article has been majorly taken from the book ‘Life History of Imam Hasan Askari’ by Baqir Sharif, who in turn has given references of books like RijalKashi, RijalToosi, RijalBarqi and a few others.

Supplications for this world and hereafter in Ziyarate Nahiya Muqaddesah

There are various ways a person recites Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.). Sometimes it is through Hadees Qudsi, sometimes through the words of infallible Imam (a.s.), sometimes through words of Ulema and at other times through simple words of our ownself. All of these reach Imam Husain (a.s.) though the honored status can be mentioned in the best manner by Allah and  His Hujjat (a.s.).

Three things comprise of a ziyarat : 
a)    witnessing the status (fazilat) of Imam Husain (a.s.),
b)    cursing his enemies and
c)    seeking supplications for our ownself by the right of Imam Husain (a.s.) and this ziyarat.

In this small writeup, we wish to analyse Ziyarat Nahiya Muqaddesa from the aspects of Supplications for oneself mentioned in it. We find that Hazrat Wali Asr Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) has taught us a unique ziyarat wherein a person after saluting, remembering the masaeb of Imam Husain (a.s.) and cursing his enemies, seeks blessings for this world and hereafter. There are approximately sixty (60) duas related to this world and twenty (20) duas related to hereafter which a person seeks from Allah. Had the Imam of our time (a.t.f.s) not mentioned we would have never realised the absence as well as importance of these things. These supplications help us realise our poverty with regards to these things and the need to seek them.

Asking for these things after mentioning the fazael and masaeb of Imam Husain (a.s.) reiterates the fact that our poverty can be best solved through the waseela of Imam Husain (a.s.). Through these words of salutations and rememberance we go nearer to Imam Husain (a.s.), we are in a state of purity. We  should immediately capitalise on this nearness before we ruin this state of purity by returning to our normal life full of sins and displeasure. The person reciting ziayarat becomes honored in front of Allah due to this recitation and Allah listens to his supplications.

This approach of ziyarat negates the view that we should not ask for worldly bounties during masaeb or days of masaeb like 21st Mahe Ramazan, Ashura, Arbaeen, 28th Safar etc.

We present a few of these supplications related to hereafter

Assemble us in the company of Muhammad and his Holy progeny (as)
Make us enter paradise through their intercession.
Place me in Qiyamat among those who are safe, confident , triumphant, happy and felicitious

Include me among submitters, righteous, blessed masters in the utmost exalted place of heaven (Aala Illiyyeen) alongwith those on whom you have bestowed favor, prophets, martyrs, truthfuls and righteous ones.
To make deeds elevated and worthy of acceptance
Refuge from Hell and settlement in paradise
Accept my repentance
Purification from sins and burden
Forgiveness of mistakes
Forgiveness of sins
Forgive all believing brothers and sisters

A few of the supplications for this world :

Protection from deception of envious
Protection of evils
Protection from errors, firm in speech and actions
Safety from oppressors
To turn away the evil plan of conspirators
To grant us victory over transgressors,
To spare me from the evils of wicked
To dispel from us all that grieve us
To divert from us the harm of decree
Contentment with Allah's destiny
Long life
Relief from pains and ailments
Make me achieve by best of my wishes
Have mercy upon my weeping
Lessen my lapses
Relief from distress
Improvement in my progeny
Conceal my defects
Increase my sustenance
Prospertiy in spiritual status
Rectification of corruption found in myself
Relief from stress
Unity of disperesed believers
Increment of wealth
Improvement of characters
Suppression of envious
Destruction of enemies
Improvement of condition
Cure of ailments
Bringing near of distant ones


Goodness of this world
Self sufficiency towards lawful from unlawful
Self sufficiency from other creatures
Beneficial knowledge
A humble heart
Beautiful patience
Unequivocal certitude
Purity of actions
Thanking of bounties over us
Increase in favor and munificience
To make my speech effective among people
My righteous deeds to be followed by others
Make enemies be suppressed

May Allah give us this taufeeq to remember Imam Husain (a.s.) through Ziarat Nahiya Muqaddesa and seek all of these and many more such bounties by his waseela throughout the year.