The book "Nafasul Mahmoom" (The sigh of the aggrieved!) is a comprehensive work authored by the eminent traditionist Shaikh Abbas Qummi (a.r.) (d.1359 A.H./1940 A.D.) who has compiled it quoting from various authoritative books. Nafasul Mahmoom forms the basis of reference for contemporary authors, researchers, historians and orators (Zakereen) and is acclaimed by one and all.
The second section of first chapter has around 40 traditions about the merit of mourning over the afflictions of Imam Husain (as), the reward of invoking curse upon his murderers and prophesies regarding his martyrdom. We present some traditions about the accursed killers of Imam Husain (as).
Tradition 36
Through successive chain of transmitters reaching the Noble Traditionist Mohammad bin Ali bin Shahr Ashob Sarawi (May Allah enlighten his grave), who relates from Ibne Abbas, that one day Hind (the wife of Abu Sufyan) called up Ayesha to ask the Prophet regarding the interpretation of a dream.The Prophet told her to relate as to what she had dreamt. She said, "I saw a sun rising over my head and a moon emerging from my interior. A dark star came forth from the moon and attacked the sun. A small (bright) star which has emerged from the sun had been swallowed up by the dark star, engulfing the entire horizon into darkness. Then I saw that numerous stars have appeared in the heavens, while the earth was filled with dark stars who have engulfed the horizon entirely."
When the Prophet heard this, tears started flowing from his eyes and he ordered Hind to go away twice saying,
"O enemy of Allah! You have renewed my sorrow and have informed me of the death of my beloved ones."
When she went away he said, "O Allah! Send your curse upon her and her progeny."
When he was asked regarding the interpretation of the dream he said,
"The sun which had risen over her head is Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s), while the moon (which emerged from her interior) is Mu'awiyah the seditious, transgressor and denier of Allah. And the darkness which she refers to and the dark star which emerged from the moon and attacked the small sun (the bright star) which came forth from the sun and swallowed it, and the entire world turned dark. It's interpretation is that my son Husain will be murdered by the son of Mu'awiyah, because of which the sun will turn black (in grief) and the entire horizon dark. While the dark stars which have engulfed the entire earth are the Bani Umayyah."
Tradition 34
Through successive chain of transmittors reaching Shaikh Mufeed, who relates from Abul Hakam, who says that, I have heard from my teachers and other scholars, that once Imam Ali (a.s) delivered a sermon in which he said,
"Ask from me whatever you desire before you may fall short of me. By Allah! Will you not ask me regarding the group of people who have led astray a hundred people, or who have captivated a hundred people, but I will inform you about them as to who is the instigator and who will administer it until the day of Qiyamah."
A man arose and asked, "Tell me as to how many hair are there in my head and beard"? Imam Ali (a.s) replied,
"By Allah! My friend the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s) has related to me regarding what you have asked me. An Angel is seated on the edge of the hair of your head who curses you, and on each hair of your beard a devil is seated who instigates (and invites you towards evil and immorality). And a child in your house will be the murderer of the son of the Holy Prophet, and this sign is a truthful proof about that which I have informed you. And otherwise I would have also told you regarding what you questioned me, but proving that is difficult (to count the hair). But the proof regarding it is what I have informed you regarding the curse upon you and your accursed son."
At that time his son was small and was crawling on his feet. And when Imam Husain's situation reached thus, he became the commander for his murder and whatever Imam Ali (a.s) had predicted took place.
[ It is related by Ibne Babawayh, that the one who questioned was Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas whose son was Umar, who commanded the forces at Karbala. While Ibne Abil Hadeed says that he was Tameem bin Usamah bin Zuhayr bin Durayd Tamimi and his son's name was Haseen, one of the commanders in the troops of Yazid at Karbala. In another tradition the name of the father of Sinan bin Anas is quoted.]
Through successive chain of transmitters, the Noble Shaikh Ja'far bin Qawlawayh relates with his chain of authorities from Dawood Raqqi, who says that once I was in the presence of Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s) when he asked for water to drink. When he drank it, grief overtook him and his eyes became full of tears. Then he said,
"O Dawood! May Allah's curse be upon the murderers of Imam Husain (a.s). There is no servant (of Allah) who drinks water and remembers Husain and curses his enemies, except that Allah writes one lac virtues in his record, and forgives one lac sins of his, and elevates his position one lac times. It is as if he has freed one lac slaves, and on the day of Qiyamah he shall arise satiated."
Tradition 20
Through successive chain of transmitters, the Honourable Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja'far bin Qawlawayh relates from the Noble Shaikh, the Trustworthy (Authority) of Islam, Mohammad bin Ya'qoob Kulaini, who relates with his chain of authorities from Dawood bin Farqad, who says that I was seated in the house of Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s) when we saw a pigeon (called Zaghabi) humming. Imam turned towards me and asked,
"O Dawood! Do you know what this bird is saying?"
I replied in the negative. Imam said,
"It curses the murderers of Imam Husain (a.s), thus preserve such pigeons in your houses."
May Allah give us taufeeq to curse the enemies of Ahle Bait (as) in every hour of our life.
May Allah give us taufeeq to curse the enemies of Ahle Bait (as) in every hour of our life.
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