47 of Biharul Anwar
In the holy city MEDINA, Friday,17th of
Rabi-ul-awwal,83 AH, marked a sacred emanation of a son to a pious lady Janabe
Fatema binte Qasim, her kuniyat was Umme Farwa.
He hailed many appellations including Sabir, Sadiq,
Fadir, Tahir, Kafi but the most famous is Sadiq, which means the truthful. He
won the title of Al-Sadiq because of his unchallengeable truthfulness. Although all of the 14 infallibles are truthful but the
reason why he was called Sadiq is due to one of his descendant who will claim
himself as the successor of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) and will be known as
Jaffar al- Kadhdhab (the liar). However Imam Mehdi (atfs) would prove his false
Imam Jaffar Sadiq (as) had opportunity to spend 12 years
with his grandfather Imam Zain-ul’ Abideen (as) when the latter passed away on
25th Muharram 95 A.H and 35 years of life
with his father Imam Muhammad Baqar (as). He became an active participant in
conducting classes at his father‘s school both at home and at mosque. Imam
Muhammad Baqar (as) used to take his son with him on the journeys abroad and declared
Imam Jaffar Sadiq (as) his successor.
The Abbasids
along with various other people became against Ommayads after the martyrdom of
Imam Hussain (as). The avarice of Ommayads and perversity of Abbasids in 140 AH
spelled the end of Ommayad caliphate and penned the demise of cruel govt. The political
conflict between both the powers for the savior of their government opened the
way for Imam Jaffar (as) to promulgate Islam, which previous Imams couldn’t get,
without any restriction. Since then the
teachings of Imam Jaffar (as) were named as Jaffria Jurisprudence.
list of his student includes Janab Jabir Ibn Hayan (ar), Janab Muhammad Ibn
Muslim (ar), Janab Muawwiyah ibn Ammar (ar), Janab Hisham Ibn Salim (ar), Janab
Hisham Ibne Hakam (ar), Janab Ali ibn Yaqtin (ar). Some of them were so
intelligent that they became pivot in their fields and wrote many books for
example Janab Hisham ibn Hakam (ar) wrote 31 books and Janab Jabir Bin Hayan
(ar) authored 220 books on natural subjects and chemistry and was then called
The Father of Chemistry due to his vast contribution.
Majlisi (as) has discussed about the life history of Imam Sadiq (as) in Bihar
ul Anwar in volume 47 from page 1 to 413 (complete volume).
present the index of this volume for the brothers to read, translate and get a
prize. Page numbers are retained in the index for the brothers to get an undrestanding
of the amount matter which is covered under each heading.
باب ولادته صلوات اللّه عليه و وفاته و مبلغ سنّه و وصيّته 8- 1
باب أسمائه و ألقابه و كناه و عللها و نقش خاتمه و حليته و شمائله صلوات اللّه
عليه 11- 8
3- باب النصّ عليه صلوات اللّه عليه 15- 12
4- باب مكارم سيره و محاسن أخلاقه و إقرار المخالفين
و المؤالفين بفضله 62- 16
5- باب معجزاته و استجابة دعواته و معرفته بجميع
اللغات و معالي أموره صلوات اللّه عليه 121- 63
6- باب ما جرى بينه ع و بين المنصور و ولاته و سائر
الخلفاء الغاصبين و الأمراء الجائرين و ذكر بعض أحوالهم 212- 162
7- باب مناظراته عليه السلام مع أبي حنيفة و غيره من
أهل زمانه و ما ذكره المخالفون من نوادر علومه عليه السلام 240- 213
8- باب أحوال أزواجه و أولاده صلوات اللّه عليه و فيه
نفي إمامة إسماعيل و عبد اللّه 269- 241
9- باب أحوال أقربائه و عشائره و ما جرى بينه و بينهم
و ما وقع عليهم من الجور و الظلم و أحوال من خرج في زمانه عليه السلام من بني
الحسن عليه السلام و أولاد زيد و غيرهم 309- 270
10- باب مدّاحيه صلوات اللّه عليه 333- 310
11- باب أحوال أصحابه و أهل زمانه صلوات اللّه عليه و
ما جرى بينه و بينهم 395- 334
12- باب مناظرات أصحابه ع مع المخالفين 413- 396
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