Saturday, May 31, 2014
Introduciton to the Book – Aaaftab Dar Gurbat
Name of the Book –
Aaftab Dar Gurbat
Author – Sayyed
Mohammed Bani Hashmi
Topic – Imam Mahdi
(as), Mahdaviyat
This book is
divided into four parts
Part 1 – Shukr e
Part 2 – Nemat e
Aaftab (aaftab refers to Imame Zaman (atfs)
Part 3 – Gurbat e
Part 4 – Yaare e
Few topics covered in each of these parts are:
Shukr e Nemat
Nemat e Aaftab
Gurbat e Aaftab
Yaare e Aaftab
Importance of thanking Allah
Necessity to thank the giver of bounty
Types of Shukr
Meaning of Shukr
Grades of Shukr
Shukr e Qalbi
Shukr e Zabani
Shukr e Amali
Highest Grades of Shukr
The result of Shukraan e Nemat and Kufraan e Nemat
Increase in Nemat results in increase in responsibility
Shukr is the cause of Nemat
Imame Asr (as) is a Nemat
Imam (as) – A Nemat about which Allah will question
Imam (as) - A Nemat
from the aspect of Taqveen
Occult Imam, Hidden Nemat
Land and everything on it is from the Kingdom of Imam
Creation of the complete universe is for Imam
Hazrat (atfs) – Maalik e Akherat
Replacement of Nemat with Nekmat (bounty with calamity)
Recognition of Imam is the only way for recognition of
Shukr for Nemat of Allah can only be with the Marefat of
Shukr e Qalbi Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Shukr e Zabani Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Zikr e Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Sajda e Shukr
Shukr e Amali Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Renewal of Bayat with Imam e Zaman (as)
Incapability to do Shukr e Amali
Value of Imam – Not Recognized
Ahle Bait (as) – Nemat e Kufraan Shude (Wasted Bounty)
Meanings of Gurbat
Value of Imam e Asr (as) not acknowledged
Imam (as) has been forgotten
How to remember Imam (as)
Imam (as) has been deserted
Imam (as) separated from family and hometown
The isolation of the Imam e Asr (as)
Imam (as) is without helpers and aiders
Description of the helpers of Imam Asr (as)
Imam (as) has very few helpers
The avenger of blood of Imam Husain (as)
Importance of helping/ serving Imam e Asr (as) and its
Helping Imam is Helping Allah
Helping Imam (as) is a Lutf from Imam (as)
Decreasing the Gurbat of Imam (as)
Types of helping Imam e Asr (as)
Helping Imam (as) with Heart
Being steadfast on religiousness
Purification of Heart from Sins
Helping Imam (as) with Tongue
Tehzeeb e Zaban is
first level of helping Imam (as)
Duty of Tableeigh of Deen
Observing proficiency in Tableigh of Religion
Tawajjo and Inayat of Aimmah (as) towards their helpers
Helping Imam (as) with Actions
Tableigh of Deen through Actions
Attracting people towards Shia’ism through actions
Helping Imam Asr (as) by helping Imam Husain (as)
Helping Sayyed ush Shohda (as) in todays times
Status of helpers of Imam Husain (as)
Importance of thanking Allah
Necessity to thank the giver of bounty
Types of Shukr
Meaning of Shukr
Grades of Shukr
Shukr e Qalbi
Shukr e Zabani
Shukr e Amali
Highest Grades of Shukr
The result of Shukraan e Nemat and Kufraan e Nemat
Increase in Nemat results in increase in responsibility
Shukr is the cause of Nemat
Imame Asr (as) is a Nemat
Imam (as) – A Nemat about which Allah will question
Imam (as) - A Nemat
from the aspect of Taqveen
Occult Imam, Hidden Nemat
Land and everything on it is from the Kingdom of Imam
Creation of the complete universe is for Imam
Hazrat (atfs) – Maalik e Akherat
Replacement of Nemat with Nekmat (bounty with calamity)
Recognition of Imam is the only way for recognition of
Shukr for Nemat of Allah can only be with the Marefat of
Shukr e Qalbi Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Shukr e Zabani Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Zikr e Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Sajda e Shukr
Shukr e Amali Nemat e Imam Asr (as)
Renewal of Bayat with Imam e Zaman (as)
Incapability to do Shukr e Amali
Value of Imam – Not Recognized
Ahle Bait (as) – Nemat e Kufraan Shude (Wasted Bounty)
Meanings of Gurbat
Value of Imam e Asr (as) not acknowledged
Imam (as) has been forgotten
How to remember Imam (as)
Imam (as) has been deserted
Imam (as) separated from family and hometown
The isolation of the Imam e Asr (as)
Imam (as) is without helpers and aiders
Description of the helpers of Imam Asr (as)
Imam (as) has very few helpers
The avenger of blood of Imam Husain (as)
Importance of helping/ serving Imam e Asr (as) and its
Helping Imam is Helping Allah
Helping Imam (as) is a Lutf from Imam (as)
Decreasing the Gurbat of Imam (as)
Types of helping Imam e Asr (as)
Helping Imam (as) with Heart
Being steadfast on religiousness
Purification of Heart from Sins
Helping Imam (as) with Tongue
Tehzeeb e Zaban is
first level of helping Imam (as)
Duty of Tableeigh of Deen
Observing proficiency in Tableigh of Religion
Tawajjo and Inayat of Aimmah (as) towards their helpers
Helping Imam (as) with Actions
Tableigh of Deen through Actions
Attracting people towards Shia’ism through actions
Helping Imam Asr (as) by helping Imam Husain (as)
Helping Sayyed ush Shohda (as) in todays times
Status of helpers of Imam Husain (as)
Sacrifices in the way of Imam Zamana (a,t.f.s.)
Allah, mighty and
blessed be He says in Holy Quran
لَنْ تَنالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّى تُنْفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ وَ ما
تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ بِهِ عَليم
will not attain goodness till you sacrifice from what you love. (S. Aale Imran
– 92)
a very clear and direct formula and lesson of life, that Allah is mentioning in
this verse. We all, in our daily lives do not spend a moment but to achieve
something. As children we played, to entertain ourselves; we studied to get
good marks; we earn, to ensure a good life for ourselves and our families. We
pray to Allah to gain proximity to Him and make our hereafter fruitful. And, if
we ponder deep, to achieve all of these we have knowingly or unknowingly made
many sacrifices along the way.
us now look at the ultimate achievement that we are aiming for. Allah (swt)
وَ ما خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَ الْإِنْسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُون
And I have not
created the angels and the men except they worship me (S. Hadid – 56)
Through the
tradition of Sayyadus Shohada we conclude that here worship means recognition
of the Imam of the time. Hence, to achieve recognition of Imam Zamana (a),
which the zenith of goodness will not be a cake walk. We will have to sincerely
and regularly go on sacrificing things which are close to our heart.
Whenever we hear the word sacrifice our
attention goes nowhere but to Karbala. And why not, because the sacrifices made
in Karbala on the day of Ashura were, are and will be unmatched by any human or
angel. The peak of sacrifices from people of all age groups, tribes and gender
are displayed in this event.
neither have the courage nor the taufeeq
to deliver those sacrifices, however we can take some lessons from them and try
to do our best for our Imam (atfs)
us turn back the pages of history and glance an eye on the sacrifices of the
companions of Imams and then try to replicate in our lives
Sacrifice Ego and
we have read in the history that Janabe
Zuhair ibn Qyain al Bajali was an Usmani i.e. follower of Usman (l.a.). He
always disassociated himself from Imam Husain (a) and did not speak with him.
The malice in his heart for Imam was so great that while his caravan was
travelling alongside Imam Husain (a) he set up his camps at distance from Imam
Husain (a) so that they don’t face each other. However, the benevolent Imam
sent him an invite to meet, but he refused saying that ‘what do I have to do with (Imam) Husain (a)’. His wife insisted
that he should go and at least meet Imam. With some resistance he agreed.
History is not sure what the conversation was, but it changed J. Zuhair’s world
and hereafter forever. A few minutes ago, he was not ready to face Imam and now
he is divorcing his wife so that he may accompany Imam to sacrifice his life.
If at that moment of arrogance if he had been adamant at his stand of not
meeting Imam, history would not have remembered Zuhair ibn Qain (a) as it does
today. Sometimes, we get opportunities to work for Imam but due to some ego and
arrogance we do not appreciate it and the opportunity is lost. We do not know
what work of ours will be liked by Imam (a) and we may attain a great status
and reward.
Giving preference to Imam
wishes over ours
Salman e Mohammadi (a) was called Mohammadi for three reasons viz: 1) He
preferred company of poor over the rich 2) He preferred company of scholars
over the illiterate and 3) He gave preference to the wishes of Imam Ali (a) to
his wish. But this is a small example of what we shall discuss. To give
preference to the wish of others over us is not easy especially if it’s not in
line with what we intend to. Janabe Salman (a) did it. However, in Karbala we
have an example that J. Salman (a) may be proud of. The standard bearer of Imam
Husain (a) was Abul Fazl Abbas (a) whose reason for coming to this world was
defending Imam (a) in Karbala. At every juncture of life, whenever he got an
opportunity to tear away the enemies he was stopped saying ‘this is not
Karbala’. Hence, he was always waiting for the moment to arrive. And when it
actually arrived he did not get the permission to fight. Hazrat Abbas (a)
without any ‘ifs and buts’ adhered to the command of his master and laid his
life for Islam.
Sacrifice your life for
the title may sound difficult but that’s not we are going to look at though
that may be an ultimate thing but not easy. The context of bring this topic
here is that presently this may not apply to us however; we can relate it to
our lives.
who gave their lives in the way of Imam were people like us i.e. they were
having a family, job, social commitments and so. And when they drove their
swords from the sheaths, they were very much sure that they will not put them
in again. Yet, they were ready for it. It requires great courage to leave your
dependants behind you especially knowing that what they will be going through.
But the companions of Abi Abdillah (a) were ready for it.
We being attached to an institution that strives to spread the name of Yusuf e
Zahra (atfs) have to sometimes sacrifice our family time to fulfill our
commitments with the organization. However, we do it at our own leisure. Once
everything in our lives is settled, then we go for the service of Hazrat
(atfs). Unlike the martyrs of Karbala, when we leave our families we know that
we are going to return to our families, yet we hesitate. Giving time to Hazrat
is sacrificing family time and it’s on us whether we chose to do it or no.
We all have desires to perform a particular act however sometimes it is against
the will of Imam (a). In these situations we have weigh our priorities against
Imam’s will. Whether we are giving preference to the wish/work of Imam or are
we giving preference to self. This is what sacrifice is.
Let us pray to Allah
that He gives us the Taufeeq of sacrificing in the way of Hazrat (atfs) and He
accepts our sacrifice.Our Resolutions With Imam (atfs) for the coming year.
15th of Shabaan is the best time for
looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year.
It's a time to reflect on the changes we need to make and resolve to follow
through on those changes.
When we look at ourselves, we realize
that it is easier said than done. It is quite effortless to make a resolution
but one has to bear the burden of mountains on one’s heads in order to fulfill
Here we present a small resolution
keeping in mind the goals for the next year. To improve one own self, to make
one self capable of becoming a true servant of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s).
Improvement in our Akhlaaq:
Allah(swt) says in Holy Quran,
Certainly you have in the Apostle of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much. (33 : 21)
Certainly you have in the Apostle of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much. (33 : 21)
This year promise your Imam (atfs)
that you will improve your character by not just following any one action of
Holy Prophet (saws) but implementing it in your life permanently.
Recitation of the Quran with reflection:
Holy Quran is for mankind, a
"compass" in the turbulent voyage of life, as it has explained itself
in the following verses:
"....Indeed, there has come to
you light and a clear Book from Allah; With it Allah guides him who will follow
His pleasure into the ways of safety and brings them out of utter darkness into
light by His will and guides them to the right path."
(5 : 15-16)
(5 : 15-16)
Therefore, Let us ponder and reflect
over at least 10 ayah per week.
Scale yourself & get more done than you thought possible.
Imam al-Naqi (as) said:
"Whoever does not scrutinize his actions daily does not belong to us; then if, he found that he has performed some righteous deeds, he should request God Almighty to increase His grace, and in case if he has done an evil act, he should seek pardon from God Almighty by offering repentance." (Ref - Wasail al-Shia, vol.11, p.377)
"Whoever does not scrutinize his actions daily does not belong to us; then if, he found that he has performed some righteous deeds, he should request God Almighty to increase His grace, and in case if he has done an evil act, he should seek pardon from God Almighty by offering repentance." (Ref - Wasail al-Shia, vol.11, p.377)
Imam Ali al-Ridha (as) said:
"He who reckons his own soul is successful; he who is heedless of it is unsuccessful." (Ref - Al-kafi v.2, p.111)
"He who reckons his own soul is successful; he who is heedless of it is unsuccessful." (Ref - Al-kafi v.2, p.111)
Check your own self on daily basis
and make commitments to your own self.
Learn to implement your knowledge:
Holy Prophet (saww) says, A
little bit of action accompanied by knowledge is useful, and a lot of deeds followed
by ignorance is of no use. (Ref - Nahjul Fasaha)
Try to implement whatever you know
first rather than acquiring more and more.
Spend more time in Service of Imam Mahdi (atfs):
Imam Jafar as Sadiq (A.S.) said,
"If I am able to reach him, I shall serve him for my whole life." (Ref - Ghaibat-e-Nomani Pg.245)
"If I am able to reach him, I shall serve him for my whole life." (Ref - Ghaibat-e-Nomani Pg.245)
Thank Allah for giving us this
opportunity & serve your master (a.t.f.s) as much as you can.
Remembering Imam Mahdi (A.S.) a lot.
Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.) said,
regarding his son Imam Mahdi (atfs)
"And know that! Those who are obedient and pious will rush towards him like the birds head for their nests." (Ref - Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.448)
"And know that! Those who are obedient and pious will rush towards him like the birds head for their nests." (Ref - Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.448)
Praying More for Early Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.) said,
"By Allah they do not truly wish for his reappearance, and do not attain salvation. Except those, whom Allah the High and the Mighty, has made firm upon the sayings of their Imams, and gave them the tawfeeq (opportunity) to pray for the hastening of the reappearance." (Ref - Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.384)
"By Allah they do not truly wish for his reappearance, and do not attain salvation. Except those, whom Allah the High and the Mighty, has made firm upon the sayings of their Imams, and gave them the tawfeeq (opportunity) to pray for the hastening of the reappearance." (Ref - Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.384)
Imam Mahdi (A.S.) says:
"And pray more for an early reappearance. For certainly, in it, is your success." (Ref - Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.485)
"And pray more for an early reappearance. For certainly, in it, is your success." (Ref - Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.485)
Unity among shia believers
Imam Mahdi (A.S.) said.
"If our shias; may Allah help them in His obedience; would have fulfilled their covenant with united hearts then there would have been no delay in our meeting, and they would have been blessed with our visitation at the earliest, along with the recognition of truth and confirmation of our rights." (Ref - Al Ihtejaj vol.2 Pg.602)
"If our shias; may Allah help them in His obedience; would have fulfilled their covenant with united hearts then there would have been no delay in our meeting, and they would have been blessed with our visitation at the earliest, along with the recognition of truth and confirmation of our rights." (Ref - Al Ihtejaj vol.2 Pg.602)
Unity should start at family level.
Lets reduce disputes with our family members which includes our wife, children,
brothers, sisters, parents, relatives etc. Lets reconcile with those whom we
have fought in our house or in our society.
Praying Wajib Salah on Time
Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) said:
He is cursed (twice) he who delays performing the early morning prayer until the stars disappear (the sun rises). (Ref - Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.16)
He is cursed (twice) he who delays performing the early morning prayer until the stars disappear (the sun rises). (Ref - Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.16)
Finally as Imam (atfs) says, we must also pray to Allah:
O Allah, bestow upon us the success of obedience, the avoidance of disobedience, sincerity and knowledge of the forbidden; and confer upon us guidance and straightness.
A Study of the Al-Yamani Group
And on
the day of resurrection you shall see those who lied against Allah; their faces
shall be blackened. Is there not in hell an abode for the proud?
Jafar-as-Sadiq (as) was asked the meaning of the above verse, to which Imam(as)
talks about those, who pretend to be imams but they are not” [Al-Ghaybah
Al-Numani, Chp 5, H:1]
very fact that Allah talks about the liars in the Quran, who claim to be imam,
should catch our attention. We are currently living in the Ghaibat of our last
Imam(as), and nothing would bring us more happiness than His(as) re-appearance. But we have also been warned
that there will be false claimants as well. History is replete with examples of
people who have attempted to claim Imamat or Prophethood. Some have managed to
deviate people and some have met their destruction.
Coming in prominence
It is
narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) that “Before the appearance of Al-Qaim(as), there
will be five signs:
rising of Sufayani
rising of Al-Yamani
A cry
from the heaven
the pure innocent man
in the desert
Al-Numani, Chp 14, H:9]
In the
January of 2007, a fierce battle was fought in the Holy city of Najaf. A group
of heavily armed militants attempted to martyr the Grand Ayatollahs residing in
Najaf. The group faced heavy casualties with scores dead, injured or detained.
reports emerged about the groups and it’s leaders. Two prominent members in
these groups are relevant to our discussion:
Ahmed Kadhim Al-Gar’awi Al-Basri
(Ahmed Hassan Al-Basri), born 1969. Some authorities also name him as Samer Abu
Kamar. He was the leader of Ansaar Al Mahdi
Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim (also known
as al-Ali bin Ali bin Abi Talib). He was the leader of Jund As-Samaa
The Claims
Of the
two deviants, Ahmed al-Hassan made various claims about his position.
states, "I am the Messenger of Imam Mahdi and I am his vicegerent, and I
am the first of the twelve Mahdis from the sons of Imam Mahdi."
above claim is based on the alleged “Will of the Holy Prophet(saws)” which
he(saws) wrote at the time of his death (
if death approaches him, let him hand it over to his son, Muhammad the
Entrusted of the Holy Family of Muhammad peace be upon them. So these are the
twelve Imams. Then after him, there will be twelve Mahdis. So if death
approaches him, let him hand it over to his son, the first of the close ones,
he has three names, one like mine and my father’s: Abdullah (servant of Allah),
Ahmad and the third name is The Mahdi (rightly guided). He is the first of the
also claimed to be the son of Imam Mahdi (as) and thus was in direct contact
with Imam(as) and would be his(as) successor as per the above narration.
claimed to have seen Imam Mahdi(as) in a vision while sleeping, ordering him to
enroll in the Hawza Ilmiya in Najaf and implement reformations in
it. Unable to bring to effect his plan, he preferred studying in seclusion
and later on went on to form the group known as ‘Ansar Al Mahdi’.
began to be known as Al-Yamani amongst his followers, referring to the sign of
reappearance as prophesized by Imam Sadiq(as). This has been his biggest claim
to fame.
Approach to spreading falsehood
Al-Hassan was in direct conflict with the Hawza Ilmiya.He stated that the Shia
Muslims are being deceived by the top scholars and mujtahids, or maraji'i. Subsequently, according to him imitating a
scholar is not obligatory for muslims, and it is considered Shirk to blindly
follow a scholar.
statement opposes the well-established process of Taqleed and also contradicts
Imam Mahdi(as)’s hadith regarding referring to the learned ones.
the beginning of his call, Ahmad al-Hassan had challenged scholars of any
religion either to a public debate or to stage a mubahala.
He has
also written many English language books, has an active social media profile and
websites translated in different languages.
the purpose of his movement, he states:
goal of my message is the goal of the Prophets: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus,
and Muhammad, which is to spread the true monotheism with which God is satisfied,
and for the earth to be filled with peace and justice after it had been filled
with oppression and injustice.”
Unveiling the falsehood
he is based in Iraq with majority of his followers being from poor families and
having less ma’arefat of Imam Mahdi (as) himself, he has also started gaining
prominence internationally due to dissemination of his teachings through
English websites.
As can
be seen from the above quotes, his approach seems simple – manipulate the
existing hadiths regarding Imam Mahdi (as) to forge new hadith and introduce
himself it.
second militant mentioned above (Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim) was killed during the
Battle of Najaf.
government entities claim that both groups are the same and Dia Abdul Zahra
Kadim and Ahmed Al-Hassan are in fact the same. There have been no public
appearances of Ahmed Al-Hassan or no verifiable pictures of him. This gives
more credibility to news of his death. However, his network continues to
operate as usual.
is one of the first introductory article on this topic. Inshallah, we should pool
in efforts and prepare a treatise agiainst his claims to counter his claims.
Our Prayers
the number of false claimants of Mahdi(as) increasing rapidly across the globe,
it becomes more and more important for us to gain ma’arefat of the true
Mahdi(as). In addition to this, it is also our responsibility to spread the
true ma’arefat of Imam(as) to the masses. Allah (swt) has given us taufeeq to
serve Imam(as). The enemies and liars are actively working to spread their
false message to the poor, un-educated and educated masses via different
should thank Allah for the bounty of true ma’arefat of Imam Mahdi(as) and pray
to Him(swt) to include us in the true Ansaars of Imam(as).
How Often Should We Remember Imam (a.t.f.s)
The first step in fulfilling this duty is to increase our love towards Ahle
Bait (a.s.). When a person is attached to someone intensely, he is not
oblivious to him and remembers him constantly. The more intense the attachment,
the harder it is for him to forget the person, till such a time that the
remembrance of the person becomes etched in his heart and an inseparable part
of his existence. Therefore those who have faith and recognition of Imam
(a.t.f.s.) in occultation, wherein they are deprived of seeing him (a.t.f.s.),
they must never forget him in their hearts.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says to Dawood b. Sarhan, 'O Dawood, convey
my salaam to my friends and give them my message - May Allah have mercy upon a
servant who when is with some other person mentions about our affair
(mastership). In such a situation, the third among them is an angel who seeks
forgiveness for them. No two persons gather for remembering us expect that
Allah takes pride in them over His angels. Then whenever you gather, proceed
with our remembrance. Because your gathering and your remembering is to enliven
our affair. And the best after us, are those who discuss about our affairs and
invite towards our remembrance.' (Ref
Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 1, Pg. 200)
Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) said, ln occultation, the attachment of
the believer with his Imam should be so strong, that nothing should make him
oblivious of his presence and nothing should hinder him from Imam's (a.s.) remembrance.
(Ref Mikyalul Makarim, Vol. 2, Pg. 358)
Here are some points that elaborates on how we can enliven the
remembrance of Imam (a.t.f.s.) day and night.
1. When you are grevious, remember that this life that Allah has
gifted you is with the blessing and mediation of Imam (a.t.f.s.). So, thank
Allah and Imam (a.t.f.s.) for it. And be careful not to employ this bounty in
actions for other than Allah's satisfaction, because by earning Allah's
displeasure, you are aggrieved and burdened.
2. When you are in a place of sin and disobedience, remember that your master is
observing you in that condition (of sin). Then out of his respect and honour,
abandon the sin.
3. When you come across a good action, then take precedence in acting upon
it, and understand that it is a bounty from Allah's side that He has bestowed
out of our attachment with our Imam (a.t.f.s.). Thank Allah for it and gift it
to Imam (a.t.f .s.) by performing it in a manner befitting it.
5. When you wake up every morning salutes him
with the salutation of a slave who is eager to see his master and who melts in
pain due to his separation. Salute him with the sincerity of one who is so
moved with this separation that tears flow down his cheeks, as he is aware that
he is standing in the presence of his master. After every morning prayer, we can recite Dua-e-Ahad.
6. When the time
of namaz draws near, remember the condition of your master (a.t.f.s.) as he stands
in front of His Lord. Follow your master (a.t.f.s.) with presence of heart and
a humble gait, closing your eyes to everything except Allah and understand that
the taufiq for this has come only with the blessings of your master (a.t.f.s.).
This worship is not accepted from you except with your master's (a.t.f.s.)
consent, after you have obeyed him and acquired his recognition. As your
recognition of Imam (a.t.f.s.) increases, Allah will enhance your status,
reward and rank near Himself.
7. When you are
finished with namaz, make Imam (a.t.f.s.) a mediator between Allah and yourself, so
that He accepts that namaz out of your love and attachment towards him.
8. When you raise
your hands for supplication begin by asking for his (a.t.f.s) relief, before your own,
because he has the highest authority over you and his favours upon you are
10. When we reach Friday morning we can need to cry for him through Dua-e-Nudba. Nudba means
intense wailing. In this Dua, the lovers of Imam Husain (a.s.) in the condition
of waiting asks :
'Where is the one who will take the revenge of the blood of the
martyrs of Karbala ?' I wish I had known where you are living!'
'May my life be sacrificed for you, you are the desire of every
believing man and woman who has remembered you and sympathised with you.'
11. When you are
in impossible situation with no way out, plead your case in front of him and wail
before him, so that he may mediate with Allah for the solution of your problem.
He is after all a means towards Allah's satisfaction and a door towards His
Mercy. We have been commanded to enter the house only from its door:
الْبُيُوتَ مِنْ أَبْوَابِهَا
'Enter the house from its door.' (2 :
(Ref Mikyalul Makarim,
Vol. 2, Pg. 443-444)
'O Allah, don't make
us forget his remembrance.' (Ref :
Kamaluddin, Chap. 45, Tradition 43)
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