Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Basic Ahkam for Businessman

Islam has a comprehensive system for all affairs of our life. Jurisprudential verdicts are available with regards to pure / impure things, matters concerning worship like namaz and roza, matters regarding marriage and divorce as well as matters pertaining to business transactions. The very first mas’ala under this topic is thus :

“It is recommended for a business man to learn the rules of daily transactions. In fact, if due to ignorance, he may necessarily contradict the laws of Shariah, then it is obligatory upon him to learn. Imam Ja'far Sadiq (A.S.) is reported to have said: "A person who wishes to engage in business, should learn its rules and laws, and if he makes any transaction without learning them, he may suffer because of entering into a void or doubtful transactions". (Mas’ala no. 2059)

So also, Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) says :-
مَنِ اتَّجَرَ بِغَيْرِ فِقْهٍ فَقَدِ ارْتَطَمَ فِي الرِّبَا
Whoever trades without knowing the rules of religious law (Fiqh) will be involved in usury.[1]

It is needless to say that ignorance of laws would convert halal rizq into usury (interest) i.e. in to haram rizq. Halal Rizq (sustenance) is very important and has an effect on all our Ibadaat & the general spiritual status. Hence, before doing business the person is required to know the Islamic Laws applicable. This will enable him to earn Halal rizq for himself & his family. We need to remind the tradition of Imam Sadiq (a.s.), wherein he said  “The effect of Haraam earning, show up in one’s offspring. [2]

There are 32 chapters under the chapter of Muaamelaat (Transactions)

Let us have a look at the topcs covered in Tauzihul Masael under the topic of Muaamelaat (Transactions)

Sr no
Sr no
Rules regarding purchase & sale 
 Rules regarding lease/rent
 Mustahab acts
 Conditions regarding the property given on lease
 Makrooh transactions
 Utilization of the property given on lease
 Haraam transactions
 Miscellaneous rules relating to lease/rent
 Conditions of a seller & a buyer
 Rules regarding Ju'ala (payment of reward)
 Commodity & what is obtained in exchange
 Rules regarding Muzari'ah

 Formula of purchase & sale
 Rules regarding Musaqat & Mugharisa
 Purchase & sale of fruits

 Rules of deposal or discretion over one's own property
 Cash & Credit
 Rules regarding agency (wakalat)
Conditions for contract by advance payment
Rules regarding debt or loan
Laws regarding advance payment contract
Rules regarding Hawala (transferring the debts etc)
Sale of gold & silver against gold & silver
 Rules regarding mortgage (rahn)
 When one has a right to cancel a transaction
 Rules regarding Surety (zamanat)
 Miscellaneous rules
 Rules regarding personal guarantee for bail
 Laws of partnership
 Rules regarding deposit or custody or trust
 Orders regarding compromise
 Rules regarding borrowing lending (Ariyat)

Let us have a look at some of the issues :

1.      Mustahab Acts
As per Fiqh, the below are the Mustahab acts which, a businessman needs to always keep in mind at the time of sale and purchase, by which he can attain barakat in his sustenance : -
a.      One should not discriminate between various buyers while charging for the commodities, except in the case of poor people.
b.      One should not be adamant about the prices, unless one feels that one is being duped or cheated.
c.       One should give a little more of the thing one sells, and should take a little less of the thing which one buys.
d.      If the buyer regrets having purchased something, and wishes to return it, the seller should accept it back.

2.      Makrooh Transactions
Most Jurist (Fuqahaa’) hold the opinion in the dislike of the below business transactions mentioned and the best thing is to avoid them:

a. To sell the land, except when one wishes to purchase another land with its proceeds.
b. To be a butcher.
c. To make shroud selling one's vocation.
d. To enter into transaction with people of low character.
e. To transact a deal between the Fajr prayers and sunrise.
f. To make it one's vocation to buy or sell wheat and barley, or other similar commodities.
g. To interfere in a deal being carried out by a Muslim, and make one's own offer.

3.      Haraam Transactions

We should try to comprehend that our Rizq is destined by Allah, the Almighty.

Therefore it is advised in many traditions that a person should follow the middle path for acquiring wealth, because greed does not increase sustenance of a person.

Imam Sadiq (as) has advised us in the following words :-

إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ خَلَقَ‏ الْخَلْقَ‏ وَ خَلَقَ مَعَهُمْ أَرْزَاقَهُمْ حَلَالًا طَيِّباً فَمَنْ تَنَاوَلَ شَيْئاً مِنْهَا حَرَاماً قُصَّ بِهِ مِنْ ذَلِكَ الْحَلَالِ.
Allah, the Almighty has created the creatures and with them , He has created their sustenance of the lawful and good. If anyone acquires a certain amount of unlawful sustenance, then the same amount is deducted from his lawful sustenance. [3]
So also, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said : “If anyone acquires wealth from unlawful means, the Almighty Allah will make him poor”[4]
Some of the Haram transactions listed in the Tauzihul Masael are :
2063. There are many Haraam deals and businesses, some are mentioned below:
  1. To sale and purchase intoxicating beverages, non-hunting dogs, pigs, an unslaughtered carcass (as a precaution).
  2. Sale and purchase of usurped property.
  3. Any transaction which involves interest.
  4. Sale and purchase of those things which are usually utilised for haraam acts only, like, gambling tools.
  5. A transaction which involves fraud or adulteration, like, when one commodity is mixed with another and it is not possible to detect the adulteration, nor does the seller inform the buyer about it, like, to sell ghee mixed with fat. This act is called cheating (ghish) or adulteration.
2075. Purchase and sale of instruments of entertainment like, guitar, lute and harmonium etc., is haraam, and as a precaution, the same rule applies to the small musical instruments made as toys for the children. However, there is no harm in selling and purchasing instruments of common use, like, radio and tape-recorder, provided that it is not intended to use it for haraam purposes

2078. It is haraam to purchase a thing which has been acquired by means of gambling, theft, or a void transaction, and if a person buys such a thing from a seller, he should return it to its original owner.

2088. Father and son, husband and wife can take interest from each other. Similarly, a Muslim can take interest from a non-Muslim who is not under protection of Islam. But a transaction involving interest with a non-Muslim who is under protection of Islam, is haraam. But after the transaction is completed, and the deal is closed, if payment of interest is permissible in the religion of that non-Muslim, a Muslim can receive interest from him.

4.      Miscellaneous Rules
In Islamic Law, there any certain set of laws for a buyer and seller, which needs to followed. We present a few of them :
1.      One should avoid swearing in the matter of transaction even if it is true.
2.      To tell the fact about the products, its defects etc.
3.      Not to over exaggerate the Quality of the product.
4.      To avoid certain people with whom business in not permitted.
5.      Maintaining Leniency with customers.
6.      To avoid cheating & giving less than due. 
7.      Avoiding Bargaining.
8.      Leniency in selling and buying .

5. Laws of Partnership 
Islam has laid a great emphasis on partnership business.  Like any relationship, a business partnership holds a great deal of promise. Hence it is necessary to know the laws of Islamic Shariah and make all necessary Partnership deeds under the laws of Islam, so as to avoid the possibility of any future misunderstandings.
We present a few mas’alas regarding partnership :
2150. If two persons make an agreement that they would trade with the goods jointly owned by them, and would divide the profit between themselves, and if they pronounce a formula declaring partnership, in Arabic or in any other language, or express their intention of becoming each other's partner by conduct, the partnership will be valid.

2153. The persons who become partners under the rules of partnership, must be adult and sane, and should have intention and free Volition for becoming partners. They should also be able to exercise discretion over their properties. Hence, if a feeble-minded person who spends his wealth impudently, enters into partnership, it is not in order, because such a person has no right of disposal over his property.

2155. If it is agreed that the entire profit will be appropriated by one person, or the entire loss will be borne by one of them, that sort of partnership is a matter of Ishkal.

2160. If a partner who transacts business with the capital of the partnership, sells and purchases things contrary to the agreement made with him, or concludes transactions in a manner which is not normal, because of the absence of any agreement, the transaction made by him in both the cases will be correct and valid; but if such a transaction results in a loss, or a part of wealth is squandered, then the partner who has acted against the agreement, or the usual norm, will be responsible for the loss.

2161. If a partner who trades with the capital of the partnership, does not go beyond the bounds of his authority, nor is he negligent in looking after the capital, yet unexpectedly the entire capital or a part of it perishes, he is not responsible.

2162. If a partner who trades with the capital of the partnership, declares that the capital has perished, and if other partners trust him, they should accept his word. But if they do not trust him, they can complain against him before the Mujtahid, who will decide the case according to Islamic laws.

Lastly, our beloved Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has advised us to avoid five habits in trade, else should not enter into it :-
مَن باعَ واشْتَرى فلْيَجْتَنِبْ‏خَمسَ خِصالٍ، وإلّا فلا يَبيعَنَّ ولا يَشْتَرِيَنَّ: الرِّبا، والحَلْفَ، وكِتْمانَ العَيبِ، والحمدَ إذا باعَ، والذَّمَّ إذا اشْتَرى.
Whoever sells or buys must avoid five habits, or he should not sell or buy at all: usury, [false] oaths, hiding the defects [of merchandise], praising what he sells, and showing disapproval for what he intends to buy. [5]
We end, praying to Allah, the Almighty to give us taufeeq to read the relevant masails as mentioned in the books of fiqh and practice on the same. May, Imam Zamana (a.t.f.s.) help us earn halaal rizq and spend the same in his path.

[1] Nahjul balagha Hadith No 456
[2] Al Kafi Vol 5 , Ch 40 , H 4
[3] Al Kafi Vol 5 Pg 81
[4] Bihaarul Anwar Vol 103 , Pg 5.
[5] Biharul Anwaar Vol 103, Pg 95, H 18

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