Treachery is defined as willful
betrayal of trust. It includes deceit, back-stabbing and disloyalty. Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a) and Ahlulbayt (a.s) underwent numerous hardships due to
treacherous people. The oppression upon the Holy Imam (a.s.) has been of all
kinds and included oppression by speech, action, emotions and pen. The
oppression to the Holy Imams (a.s.) was due to wise enemies as well unwise
comrades, clever and hypocritical enemies as well as timid, ignorant and
foolish companions.
On the pretext of bringing into effect
Islamic unity, Moawiyah gathered a huge army to fight Imam Hasan (a.s) in Iraq.
When the news reached Iraq, Imam Hasan (a.s.) invited the people to the mosque.
He climbed the pulpit and after praising Allah and sending salutation upon the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a) said, "Moawiyah has moved towards Iraq along with his
army. It is your turn to get ready for the war and defend your honor and
religion”. But those despicable, vanquished and comfort loving people did not
give a response to Imam (a.s.). Adi Ibn-e-Hatim stood up from among the people
and very sadly addressed them saying, "What kind of people are you? What
does this dead silence mean? Why do you not reply to Imam Hasan (a.s.) and the
son of your Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.)? Are you not afraid of subject and
suffering? Be afraid of Allah's anger and torment and obey the order of your
Imam (a.s.). Get up and take your weapon in your hands and defend your honor,
respect and religion. So that Allah and Imam (a.s.) are pleased with you.
These words alerted a group so they
announced their readiness to take part in the battle. Adi Ibn-e-Hatim told the
Imam (a.s.), "We are ready and waiting for your order”. Imam Hasan (a.s.)
said, "I am proceeding towards the Nakheela Camp and whosoever is prepared
and willing may go to that place, although I know that you will not practice
upon your promise and Moawiyah will deceive you”.
When Imam Hasan (a.s.) reached the
camp, most of those who were shouting the slogans of "war" were absent
and had gone back. This was expected because apart from a few Shias. the army
of Imam (a.s.) comprised of people who did not consider this war as a religious
obligation nor did they consider Imam (a.s.) as their divine leader.
These people were :
1. Khawarij who had come to fight
against Moawiyah and not for the sake of obeying the command of Imam Hasan
2. Those materialist and greedy people
who wanted war booty.
3. Those who had participated for the
sake of following their tribal chiefs.
Hence, Imam Hasan (a.s) addressed them
saying, "You betrayed me, like you had betrayed my father, who was your
Imam before me. I don't know whether you will fight siding with Imam or someone
who absolutely does not believe in Allah and His Prophet (s.a.w.a)”
Then he selected a man named Hakam as
the commander of the army and put four thousand men under his command so that
he moves to the city of Ambaar and stays there and applies restraint to the
forces of Moawiyah till getting further orders. But, Moawiyah deceived him by
giving him money and making false promises. And he joined his army along with
his two hundred men.
Imam (a.s.) selected another man from
the tribe of Bani Murad as his successor and said, "Although I do not have
trust upon you. But this is a trial, you may also proceed."
When Moawiyah came to know about his
arrival, he sent his delegates with five thousand dirhams for him and promised
to give him a governorship. He was too deceived by Moawiyah and joined him.
When the news of the joining of tribal
chiefs with Moawiyah reached the Imam Hasan (a.s.), he was shocked and grievous
and said, "Did I not say several times that you do not have any
faithfulness and trustworthiness, and your conduct with me is that of artifice,
and cunningness? He then decided to gather an army himself and move. By the
efforts of his friends nearly four thousand men gathered. Imam (a.s.) along
with "Sabaat" went to Madayan and sent twelve thousand men under the
command of Obaidullah bin Abbas and his helper Qais bin Saad, as a field leader
and fore runner to meet and resist Moawiyah. Moawiyah sent his agents along
with one million Dirhams among the forces of Imam Hasan (a.s.) to deceive Qais
but Qais did not yield to his desire and answered them, "tell Moawiyah you
cannot take my faith from me and I will not desert and leave Imam by any of
your artifices and frauds."
The agents who got disappointed by
Qais, went towards the real Commander Obaidullah bin Abbas and lured and
deceived him and he along with a group of his followers joined Moawiyah at the
night-time. When the army men of Imam Hasan (a.s.) became without a commander,
Qais took over the command and lead the Jamaat prayers. Qais was fighting
fiercely and ferociously and had made Moawiyah fearful. As a result, he sent a
few spies among the army men of Qais, so that they may make this propaganda
that Imam Hasan (a.s.) has entered into peace treaty with Moawiyah and you are
fighting for no reason. By this, Moawiyah succeeded in separating and detaching
the group of Khawarij from the Imam's forces and in deceiving them to attack
the Imam Hasan (a.s.) and what he desired did materialize.
Suddenly, a platoon attacked the tent
of Imam Hasan (a.s.) and looted whatever they found, to the extent that they
even pulled out the carpet of Imam Hasan (a.s.) from beneath him.
Imam Hasan (a.s.) was forced to leave
that place and he rode upon a horse and a group of his friends were all around
him. One of them (the attackers) rushed out of his hiding place and injured
Imam Hasan (a.s.). Imam Hasan (a.s.) was carried to one of his friend's house
and provided medical care and treatment. It came to that, most of his
governors, secretly and confidentially, wrote letters to Moawiyah saying we are
at your command and disposal as soon as possible come to Iraq, we will arrest Imam Hasan (a.s.) and hand him over to you. Moawiyah
sent all those letters to Imam Hasan (a.s.) along with a covering letter
saying, "These people did not remain faithful to your father and they will not remain on your side
either. I am ready to sign a pact with you and overlook the war.
Imam Hasan (a.s) said, the Messenger
(s.a.w.a.) himself left his people and went to the Sheb-e-Abi Taalib while he
was inviting the people towards Allah. If he had helpers and companions he
(s.a.w.a.) would have never taken to the cave. Likewise, if I would have got
helpers I would have never made peace with you.(Moawiyah) (Sulaym Ibn Qais al-Hilaali).
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