Tradition of Ghadeer in the Books of Ahle Sunnah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صلى الله عليك يا ولي العصر ادركنا
Despite numerous Ahle Sunnah sources narrating the tradition of Ghadeer, it seems really difficult for the muslims to accept this command of the messenger of Allah (sawa). Denying this clear and direct order of the messenger of Allah is as combating him (sawa). As the order of Ghadeer-e-Khum is not a gentle marginal discussion, rather it is a matter of believe. Every Muslim compulsorily believes that the orders of the messenger of Allah are to be accepted whether we like it or dislike, and the Holy Quran confirms to this in the Surah Hashr 59:7
ومَا آتَاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانْتَهُوا ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۖ إِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ
" and whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and from whatever he forbids you, keep back, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is severe in retributing (evil)"
Let us quickly delve into the authentic Ahle Sunnah sources and bring forth clear evidence's of the orders of the messenger of Allah (sawa) concerning the event of Ghadeer.
1. Musnad-e-Bazzar of Hafiz Imam Abu Bakar Al Bazzaar:
From Ayesha binte Saad, from her father that the messenger of Allah (sawa) caught hold the hand of Ali (a.s) and said: Do I not enjoy more authority upon the believers then themselves? For whomsoever I am his master then surely Ali is his master.
2. Al-Mataalib-ul-Aaliya of Hafiz ibne Hajar Al-asqalaani:
...From Ali (a.s): Surely the Prophet (sawa) came to the tree at khum, then he caught hold of the hand of Ali (a.s) and said, do you not bear witness that Allah (TWT) is your Lord? They said yes. He (sawa) said do you not bear witness that Allah and His messenger have more authority on you then yourselves and that Allah and His messenger are your Masters? They all said yes. He (sawa) said then for whomsoever Allah and His messenger are his master then surely this (Ali) is his master…
3. Kitaab Ash-Shariyah by Al-Imam Al-Muhaddis Abu Bakr Al-Aajerii:
...then he caught hold of the hand of Ali ibne Abi taalib (a.s) and said “Allah is my Master, and I am the master of all the believers and of whomsoever I am his master then Ali is his master…”
4. Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal:
...That the Prophet (sawa) on the day of Gadheer-e-Khum said: “of whomsoever I am his master then Ali is his master…”
5. Sahih-e-Sunan Ibne Maajaa along with the certification from the salafi Shaikh Al-albaani:
...then he caught hold of the hand of Ali (a.s) and said am I not having more authority on the believers then themselves? They all said yes. He (sawa) said am I not having more authority upon every believer then they have on themselves? They all said yes, the he (sawa) said “then this (Ali) is the authority for whomever I am the master, Oh Allah help who helps him, Oh Allah be enemy to the one who has his enmity…”
It is evident from the above mentioned proves that the incident of Ghadeer-e-Khum is not a hidden fact in the muslim books, rather the scholars of traditions consider it as Sahih, Asnaad-us-Sahih and mutawatir khabar. it has been well documented, now the question to our readers is that why has the nation not given due right to this incident and why such an important incident is kept hidden or not known or heard at all by the masses? Can a just muslim ponder on the reason for this? The only reply we can think of is hostility towards Ameer-ul-momeneen Ali (a.s). On the other hand we observe that this same muslim nation strives hard to magnify every fake and forged merit of those who snatched the right of khilafat from Ali (a.s), for example the tradition of "My companions are like star's…". It is this same innocent nation that becomes extremely clever to extrapolate this tradition and prove the khilafat of the opposition, while their scholars of traditions treat this news to be fake and forged:
The Salafi Shaikh Albaani considers this tradition "My companions are like stars…" as fabricated, and goofed. Also he considers the chain of narration as unreliable, and the narrator to be a fabricator and this is a classical fabrication from him.
If this prejudice is kept aside and the event of Ghadeer is analysed based on the traditions that are found in the books, the conclusion that can be drawn is extremely clear and evident.
Thus in the light of the event it becomes obligatory on everyone who submits to the messenger ship of the Holy prophet (sawa), to also submit to the mastership of his successor, his cousin, the first amongst them to believe and the foremost amongst them to submit, the spouse of his (sawa) daughter, and his (sawa) flag bearer, Amirul-Momeneen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s).
Be sincere in your intentions, and struggle hard to recognize the truth, and halt for a moment ponder and think so that you reach the truth and follow it.
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