On reflecting over the time of Prophet Adam’s (a.s.) creation and
the times that followed, a fact that comes to light very evidently is that
Allah the Almighty has formulated a system in which one is obeyed while the
others obey; one is followed, the other followed one and one the intended, the
other the intender. In other words, there are a few outstanding individuals,
who should be obeyed and followed by the others. Anybody who defies this system
devised by the Almighty is driven away from His court and is labeled as a rebel,
dissenter and deviated. He deserves condemnation and censure. On the Day of
Judgment, he will be thrown on his face in the hellfire. On the other hand,
whoever submits to this regulation and obeys the commands of the Almighty will
attain success in this world as well as the hereafter.
This system is as prevalent today as it was yesterday and will
continue to exist till the canopy of this globe is folded. There were people
who scaled such heights of obedience and submission to their leaders that till
the Day of Judgment, their names will top the list.
Limits of Obedience
It is quite easy for the Shias of the Ahle Bait (a.s.) to
comprehend this concept because on the day of Ghadeer, the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) presented this very test before the people when he (s.a.w.a.) asked
“Am I not having more authority upon you than you yourselves?”
(Al-Ghadeer, Allama Amini, vol.1,pg.8)
They all replied in one voice,
“By Allah! Yes. “
History is replete with testimonials that for the sake of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.), people have not cared for their lives. They regarded his
existence as more superior and important than their own and laid down their
lives to safeguard his.
In this regard, Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) preceded all and sundry.
None obeyed the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) more than him. He (a.s.) loved
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) more than his own self. In the Battle of Ohad, he
(a.s.) was moving around the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) like a moth around a lamp. For
three years in the Sheb-e-Abi Taalib (a.s.), he (a.s.) was responsible for the
protection of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). In the night of migration,
without caring for his life, he (a.s.) slept in the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) bed and bought the swords of the enemies in
exchange for shielding the life of the Messenger of Allah
Such example of obedience and submission cannot be presented by
anybody in the annals of mankind, neither in the past nor in the future. But of
course! Only, and only, from the house of Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.) can
one witness another such person, who became the embodiment of selfless devotion
and obedience.
Ameerul Momineen
(a.s.) trained his children Muhammad Ibne Hanafiyyah,
Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) and Zaid Ibne Ali (whom he called as his son) on the same plane of safeguarding the Divine Proof which he (a.s.) had attained.
Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) and Zaid Ibne Ali (whom he called as his son) on the same plane of safeguarding the Divine Proof which he (a.s.) had attained.
History records
great feats of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) in which he gave preference to the life and
desires of Imam Husain (a.s.) over his own. He did not like his soul for itself
but for the soul of the Imam of the time, Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.). Here, we are
presenting a couple of incidents that will indicate as to how high an esteem he
held the position of the Imam of the time.
Candid Riposte to Shimr the accursed
When Shimr
reached Karbala and handed over the letter of Ibne Ziyaad to Umar Ibne
Sa’d, the latter succumbed to the ultimatum of the governor. Shimr, who was
related to Umm al-Baneen, {he belonged to the same tribe as hers. It is
customary amongst the Arabs that the farthest of relatives of one’s tribe as
called as nephews (sister’s son). Umm al-Baneen was not the real sister of
Shimr. Rather, she belonged to the same tribe}, came to the tent of
Abbas (a.s.) and his brothers and called out,
“Where are the sons of my sister? Where are Abdullah, Ja’far,
Abbas and Usman?”
Imam Husain (a.s.) advised Hazrat Abbas (a.s.),
“Although Shimr is a transgressor, nevertheless, you answer him.”
Obeying the command of their master, Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) and
his brothers asked Shimr,
“What do you want?”
Shimr, the accursed, retorted,
“My nephews! You are safe. So, don’t kill yourself along with your
brother Husain and obey the command of the chief of the faithful Yazeed.”
This was the moment of intense examination. Please read the
reply of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) and ponder!
“May your hands be paralyzed! How bad an amnesty you have offered,
O enemy of Allah! Are you ordering us to forsake our brother and our master,
Husain, the son of Fatemah, and enter into the obedience of the accursed and
the children of the accursed?”
On hearing this reply, Shimr returned to his army, fuming
and fretting .
Shimr exhorted them not to destroy their lives for the sake
of their brother. Abbas (a.s.) immediately pointed out that Husain (a.s.) was
not only his brother but also his master and Imam. I am willing to sacrifice my
life for the sake of his obedience. I am living only for him and will attain
martyrdom in his obedience.
Support to the Imam of the Time:
When the right arm of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) was severed, he recited
a poem expressing his support and help to the Imam of his time, which went as
By Allah! Even if you have cut off my right arm I will eternally support my religion And the Certainly True Imam The son of the Prophet, the Pure, the Trustworthy And when his left hand was severed, he said, O my soul! Don’t fear from the disbelievers Receive glad tidings of Allah’s mercy With the Prophet, the Chief, the Chosen One, Along with all the Chiefs, the Pure Ones Due to their rebellion, these (sinners) have sliced my left arm Then O my Lord! Sent them to the heat of the hellfire ‘
Kindly pay attention to the other example. When Hazrat Abbas
(a.s.) reached to the shores of the Euphrates and captured it, he took
some water n his palms, with the intention of quenching his parched
throat. But on remembering the thirst of the womenfolk and the children back in
the tents, he threw the water back and said,
O my soul! After Husain, there is naught for you but disgrace After him, you should not continue to exist There is Husain, near the river, yet thirsty, While you are drinking cold and sweet water By Allah! This is not my religion
Deliberating on these incidents will help us realize the position
and greatness of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.), his obedience and submission before the
Imam of his time, his laying down his life for the Imam and giving preference
to the Imam over his own self.
Therefore, one can see the manner in which the following infallible
Imams a.s.) have send salutations on Hazrat Abbas (a.s.).
“Peace be on you, O the righteous slave! The one who is obedient
to Allah, His Messenger (s.a.w.a.) and Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)…..”
O Allah! For the sake of Hazrat Abbas, grant us such faith
and belief that will give us the strength and power to support, help and assist
the Imam of our time. Aameen!