Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Deed of Allegiance (Bay’atnaamah)

A deed of allegiance (bay’atnamah) serves the purpose of conveying the idea of an ‘agreement’ present in its written format. It will be under the rules and regulations of this very agreement that the workers, helpers, friends, companions and the populace as a whole, take the oath of allegiance and faithfulness to the Master of the Time (may our souls be sacrificed for him).

The literary meanings of bay’ah are oath, allegiance and covenant. Ibne Khaldun has noted in his Al-Muqaddamah:
  (Tafsire Namuna, vol. 22, p. 70 from the al-Muqaddamah preface of Ibne Khaldun p.174)  
‘When paying allegiance (bay’ah) to a ruler, they would, for emphasis, place their hands upon his hand. This action was like a transaction between a buyer and a seller.’

  Bay’ah means oath, allegiance and covenant (Al-Munjid in Urdu).   Gheyaas al-Lughaat has discussed it in greater detail by adding sincerity,loyalty,and following in friendship.  Bay’ah means love and loyalty, oath and covenant, purity and virtue.
All of this was crushed and trampled upon by the deception and guile of the rulers. The soul of Islam was searching for its lost prestige and glory of yesteryears within the framework of bay’ah when the voice of Imam Husain (a.s.) rose through the air in Medina:
  This voice enveloped the entire universe. The year 61 A.H. bears testimony that bay’ah became out of reach of the oppressive and debased rulers and enclosed itself in its last and safest refuge. The reappearance of Hazrat Hujjah (a.t.f.s.) is an established fact and so is the renewal of bay’ah at the time of his reappearance.

Bay’ah is pledged only to the Messenger of God and the Infallible Imams (a.s.) and that the breaking of the bay’ah is a major sin’. And in Behaarul Anwaar vol 67, Chapter 10, p.185, H.3, it has been narrated from Imam Moosa b. Jafar (a.s.),   “Three sins destroy a person and involve him in a grievous chastisement. The breaking of bay’ah, the leaving of Sunnah and forsaking the congregational prayers.”

For bay’ah, there are certain conditions in belief and some scales by which the character, behaviour, activity, lifestyle, etiquette, food and clothing, individual and social contacts of the believers of the religion of Allah, i.e. all that which is entrusted to the wealth of life, is measured and weighed. The difference between the proponents and opponents is clearly understood and a style of life with an understanding is developed. Those who wear the necklace (of bay’ah) around their necks, also have their differences in levels, views and opinions.  
Let us view the time when the divine government will be established from this angle. When the Proof (Hujjat) of Allah will prevail upon the cities and the entire planet, when all the creatures and servants of Allah will come under the authority of the Caliph of Allah. When, for the first time, the brilliant sun of Imamat will make his brilliant visage apparent from the veil of the dense clouds of occultation (ghaibat). There, at the Maqame Ibrahim and the wall of the Holy Ka’baa, will be the 313 chosen ones of Allah to take precedence in stepping forward. They will pledge their allegiance at Imam’s (a.t.f.s.) hands.

There will be the conditions, oaths and covenants. And there will be loyalty, friendship and sacrifice. The purest in lineage, focus of attention (a.t.f.s.) will be free from danger and fear. This bay’atnamah is the one, which was given in the written format by the leader of the pious, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) to his followers during his rule, so that hope should not be lost nor should desperation overwhelm the Shias. The awaiting (intezaar) should survive. The enlightened aspects of truth should be apparent. That very bay’atnamah is presented for the benefit of our readers. We pray to Allah the Almighty to make us present in the first row on the Promised Day to have the honor of giving bay’ah at the divine hand of mercy and success. 

The companions of the Qaem (may Allah hasten his reappearance) will take a covenant at his hands that we will:
1. Not steal.
2. Not commit adultery.
3. Not abuse a Muslim.
4. Not murder anyone unlawfully.
5. Not violate anyone’s honor.
6. Not attack anybody’s dwelling.
7. Not harm anybody.
8. Not hoard gold, silver, wheat and barley.
9. Not usurp the property of the orphan.
10. Not give false testimony.
11. Not forsake the mosque.
12. Not drink wines and intoxicants.
13. Not wear clothes made of silk or golden thread.
14. Not wear a golden belt.
15. Not indulge in robbery.
16. Not attack travelers and wayfarers.
17. Not indulge in homosexuality.
18. Not destroy food stocks like wheat and barley.
19. Be contented with less.
20. Use perfumes and fragrances.
21. Stay away from uncleanness.
22. Exhort towards goodness.
23. Keep away from prohibited acts.
24. Wear coarse cloth.
25. Rest on an earthen pillow.
26. Strive in the way of Allah as is the right to do so.  
 And Imam (a.s.) will promise them that
1. He will stay with them.
2. He will dress like them.
3. He will keep a mount similar to theirs.
4. He will work according to their will.
5. He will stay contented with a little.
6. He will, with Allah’s aid, fill the earth with equity and justice as it would be filled with oppression and tyranny.
7. He will worship Allah as is the right of worship.
8. He will not post a guard or sentry for himself.
(Kitabe Jahan b’ad az-Zuhur, p. 125-126)  

The infallible (a.s.) has instructed that every Shia should recite Dua-e-Ahad in the morning with a heavy heart and contemplate on its meanings. Pay attention to these sentences of Dua-e-Ahad:  
‘O Allah! Surely I renew for him (a.t.f.s.) on the morning of this day and of all evenings through my life, this pledge and oath and covenant upon my neck…’.
(Dua-e-Ahad, Mafaatihul Jinaan)

  On the morning of this day Our day starts in the morning. Dua-e-Ahad reminds us that the day of trials is commencing. The accounting of the self is necessary. The practice of sacrifice should continue. It is a message of loyalty and trust to the nobles and a reiteration of contentment for the indigent. Keep the abdomen safe from prohibition and doubt. These are the days of character building, of beautification and smartening the persona and of rectification and reformation.

Signs indicate that that morning is near when he (a.t.f.s.) shall arrive with a
bright, shining forehead, surrounded by his diehard lovers and followers. He will place the deed of allegiance, which has been preserved through the course of history, in front of them. Thereafter, he will take the oath of fealty from the officers and commanders of his army.

The Return (Rajat) will occur and old and antiquated graves will split. The awaiters in darkness will come alive, wrapped in shroud, spear in hand, responding to the voice of Imam (a.t.f.s.) and rushing forth to his service. The Dua-e-Ahad will be authenticated. Not only this, but the testimony of Dua-e-Ahad will be voiced that these are those who refreshed their oaths every morning.

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