Saturday, November 30, 2013

Each Step Takes Me Away From Hell fire.

When a Shia makes the intention to go for Ziarat, he has laid the foundation for his journey. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
‘Allah has appointed some angels at Imam Husain’s grave. When a Shia makes the intention for Imam Husain’s (a.s.) Ziarat, Allah forgives all his sins. When he takes a step to go for Ziarat, he erases his sins. His virtues multiply and they increase till the time he becomes worthy of Paradise ‘.

(Wasailul Mohibbeen, pg. 280)  taken from Muharram 2001 ALM

With regards to walking it is noteworthy that the order of Saee in Hajj between safa and marwah is the order to walk. Moreover, there is a saying of Holy Prophet (sawa) accepted by both sunnis and shias that the one who raises his legs in the dust for the sake of Allah then Allah prohibits them for fire.

Imam Husain (a.s.) visits the Visitor

Ali b. Mohammad narrates, ‘I used to visit Imam Husain’s (a.s.) shrine every month. But, as I grew older, my weakness got the better of me and I missed performing the visitation in one month. After some days, I set out on foot for another visitation. I reached the shrine in a few days. I recited the namaz and fell asleep. I saw Imam Husain (a.s.) in a dream. Imam (a.s.) had just left his shrine. He addressed me – You were virtuous and affectionate towards me. Why did you turn oppressive? I replied – I have grown old and weak and yet, have come in your presence. There is a tradition narrated from you, I wish to hear it from you. Imam (a.s.) asked, “Which tradition?”
 I replied, “It is narrated from you that the one who has visited me in his lifetime, then after his death, I will visit his grave. Imam (a.s.) affirmed, “Yes I will. Even if he is in Hell, I will rescue him from it.’
(Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 101, pg. 16)

            Acclaimed Shiite scholars have explained that this visitation could be at the time of (the visitor’s) death, while he is being laid to rest in the grave.
            In the grave, man will experience unprecedented loneliness. He will be akin to a stranger in an alien land. Various types of dangers, the likes of which he had only heard before, will confront him. Terror and dread will surround him. No one is going to visit the inhabitant of the grave. Even if one does visit, he will come at a distance, recite Surah Fateha and depart. The closest and dearest of relatives will not accompany the deceased inside the grave. But the one who has visited Imam Husain (a.s.) will be fortunate enough to have Imam (a.s.) visit him in his grave. After Imam (a.s.) pays him a visit, he will feel no grief and terror. Indeed after Imam (a.s.) says 
“Peace be on you”, no difficulty shall remain and there is no comfort that he shall not experience.  
After being informed of the noble and blissful consequence of Imam’s (a.s.) visitation, only the unwise will dare to show negligence and forsake urgency and perseverance in this regard.  
Imām Ja'far ibnMuhammad  al-Sādiq (A.S.) said:

"The Almighty Allāh records a thousand good deeds and erases a thousand sins for every step taken by one who performs the Ziyarat of Imām Husain (a.s.) on foot. He will also increase their status a thousand times for every step. 

Then Imām (a.s.) said: When you arrive at Euphrates, perform Ghusl, carry your shoes and walk barefoot like a humble servant. Once you arrive at the door of the holy shrine, recite Takbir four times. Then walk a little and repeat this four more times. Then come near his head, stand there and repeat it four more times. Pray near his grave and ask Allāh, the Exalted for your needs.”

 [Reference: KamiluzZiyaraat, chapter 49, tradition 4]

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