Saturday, November 30, 2013

Martyr of Karbala – Janab Burair Ibne Khuzair Hamadani (r.a.)

As the month of Muharram approaches our hearts are filled with the sorrows remembering the tragedies and oppression inflicted on Imam Hussain(a.s.) and his family. This sorrow reaches it peak on the Day of Aashura and from the depths of our hearts we all feel that,

Alas!! If We would have been present on that day then even we would have sacrificed our lives for Imam Hussain (a.s.).

 We have also been advised to have such a feeling as can be understood from the following tradition

Imam Ali b. Moosa al-Reza (a.s.) informed (his companion Rayyaan b. Shabeeb) – O Ibn Shabeeb! If you would like to be rewarded just as those who were martyred along with Husain b. Ali (a.s.), whenever you remember Husain (a.s.) say – I wish I was with them and could achieve the great prosperity.
Oyoon Akhbaar al-Reza (a.s.) chap 28 trad 53

However we have been separated by passage of time but that does not mean that we cannot answer the call of Imam (a.s.). Today his 9th Descendant is in Occultation and we are all aware that one of the task he will do after reappearance is that he will avenge the murderers of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Janabe Mohsin (a.s.). The least we can do is to prepare the grounds for his arrival so that we can assist him when his re-appearance takes place.

One way to do so is try to emulate the companions of Imams(a.s.) because we know Imams were happy with them. Since the companions of Imam Hussain (a.s.) are held in high esteem amongst all the Masoomeen (a.s.), in this article we will study about one such companion –namely Janab Burair ibn Khuzayr Hamadani.

Burair ibn Khuzayr Hamdani was also known as the Chief of Reciters. He belonged to the tribe of BaniMashriq and was from Hamadan.
(Asadul-Ghabah – IbnAseerJazari)   

Some of the authors of Rejal have referred to him as Burair bin Haseen instead of Burair bin Khuzair.  Burair wasquite aged, brave and staunch worship­per keeping himself awake for the whole night in prayers. He was enumerated among the Tabeein’ (followers). He was popularly known as ‘Qariul-Quran’ (The Reciter of Quran)and ‘Sayyedul-Qurra’ (The Chief of the Reciters). He was a companion of Hazrat Ali (a.s.). His personality can be known by the fact that he was regarded among the respectable men of Kufa from the tribe of Hamadan. His uncle, (the hus­band of his maternal aunt) Abu Ishaq al Hamadani As-Sabeei was a Tabeei’ from Kufa, about whom it is said that for forty years he completed recitation of Holy Quran, once every night and performed morning prayers with the same Wuzoo which he had made for the ‘Isha’ (night) prayers. Nobody in his time surpassed him in worship. Regarding the narration of the traditions (Ahadees), he is considered reliable among the Shias and the Sunnis alike. He was from the aides of Imam ZainulAbedeen (a.s.).  

According to historians when Burair heard of Imam Husain (a.s.)’s migration from Medina to Mecca, he immediately left Kufa for Mecca and joined the handful followers of Imam (a.s.) and finally attained martyrdom in Karbala.   

Survi writes that “When Hur intercepted the path of Imam Husain (a.s.) with obvious harshness, Imam (a.s.) delivered a sermon. After the sermon of Imam (a.s.), Burair said: 

“By Allah, O Son of Messenger of Allah, Allah has obliged us by giving us an opportunity to fight at your side and get ourselves killed with our body cut to pieces, so that on the Day of Qiyamat, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) may intercede for us. They will never succeed and prosper, who do not fulfill the right of the son of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Indeed their plight will be deplorable when they face Allah. Woe be upon them when they will burn in the fire of Hell and their cry and plea will rise high.”  
A section of historians recorded that when the thirst of Imam Husain (a.s.) reached at the peak, Burair sought permission from Imam (a.s.) that he may talk with the faithless army. When Imam (a.s.) permitted him, he went to the contingent of IbneSaad and addressed them thus: 

“O men! Surely Allah raised Muhammad with truth as a Warner and a conveyor of glad tidings, caller towards Allah with His permission and a bright beacon. The dogs and swines drink from the water of Furaat, while you block it for the son ofthe Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Is this the reward for the toils and pains of  Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).” 

The enemies replied: “Enough Burair! Shut your mouth, By Allah! Husain should be slain thirsty in the same way as Usman was killed thirsty.”

Abu Makhnaf has recorded a dialogue between Burair and Yazeed bin Ma’aqal, who was from the tribe of Bani Umar in the following manner:

Yazeed: How is your condition, Burair?

Burair: Extremely good.

Yazeed: You are lying, while you were not a liar. Don’t you remember that while passing through the street named Lauzan in Kufa you were loudly an­nouncing that Usman is no good and Muawiya is deviated from the right path and Ali IbneAbiTaalib (a.s.) is the righteous Imam.

Burair: Certainly, I said so.

Yazeed: I testified that you too are among the deviated ones.

Burair: Would you like to come forward for Mubahila (a trial from Divine) so as curse be upon the liars and truth be revealed. 

Then both of them fought. Yazeed attacked Burair but was not successful. Then Burair struck Yazeed’s head, which shattered his helmet and bisected his skull. The sword got struck in Yazeed’s brain. Burair pulled the sword back and said: 

“I am Buriar and my father is Khuzair, and every virtue can be found in Burair.”  

After eliminating Yazeed he assaulted the contin­gent. Razi bin MarqadAbdi attacked Burair. Burair smashed him on the ground and sat on his chest. He cried for help. Ka’ab bin Jaabir Umar Azadi took his men and sprang to his rescue. When they saw Burair they said

“He is the same” Qari’ (Reciter) who taught us Quran in the mosque.”

Then they struck sword on Burair’s back and then came in front and hit him with the sword. Thus Burair was martyred
(Ansaar-ul-Ain, pg. 102; ZakhiratudDarain,pg. 261). 

The narrator says that Razi rose from the ground and shed dust from his attire and expressed his gratitude to Ka’ab. When Ka’ab returned, then his sister or wifesaid, you killed ‘SayyedulQurra’ (The Chief of Reciters), a great crime indeed. By God, I will never talk to you again. It is said that Burair was killed by Bahrain bin OusZabbi (l.a.).  

Lessons from the Life of Burair ibn Khuzair (r.a.)

From the life of Burair ibn Khuzair Hamadani we can understand the following things

1.  A companion of Imam is one who is a regular recitor of Quran. In fact when Janabe Zuhayr bin Qayn was addressing Shimr (l.a.), he addressed him as one who cannot even recite two verses of Quran accurately. From this we understand that companions of Imams(a.s.) were good reciters of Quran.

2. Spending nights in worship is one of the characteristics of the companions of Imams (a.s.).

3. His speeches reflect about depth and confidence of his Beliefs. It shows he was very knowledgeable and was fully aware of what he was speaking.

4. He had the spirit of sacrifice for his Imam and this can be understood from the fact that he was ready to travel from Kufa to Mecca when he heard the about the migration of Imam Hussain (a.s.)

We pray to Allah through the medium of His Last Hujjat (a.t.f.s.) and Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) to grant us the tawfeeq to inculcate these characteristics in our life so that when His Eminence reappears we would be able to serve him. Ameen.

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