Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Reality of TAQWA

The word ‘Taqwa’ is derived from the root ‘waqaya’ which means ‘to safeguard’ or ‘to abstain’. In the Islamic terminology it is defined as the action of restraining oneself from disobeying the commands of Allah. When Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked to elaborate on the meaning of the word, ‘Taqwa’ he replied, “Submit to the command (of Allah) and do not go near the prohibited.” It means that one should endeavor to fulfill all the commands of Allah and abstain from the prohibited things. On the basis of this, Taqwa is classified into two types:
The first type of Taqwa consists of compulsory obedience to Allah in fulfilling the compulsory duties (wajibaat) and not leaving even a single duty unperformed. The obligatory commands (wajibaat) are those which, if not carried out, invite the wrath of Allah. Also, as far as possible one should try not to forgo the recommended acts (Mustahabbaat). The recommended acts are those, which if performed earn blessings but if not carried out do not make one liable for punishment.

Types of Taqwa According to Allama Majlisi¹

According to AllamaMajlisi (r.a.) there are four types of ‘Taqwa’
1. ‘Wara-e-Ta’beeri- which means to abstain from the prohibited things.
2. ‘Wara-e-Saleheen’- To abstain from doubtful things so that one may not commit a Haraam act.
3. ‘Wara-e-Muttaqeen’- To abstain from permissible things so that one is absolutely protected from ‘Haraam’.
4. ‘Wara-e-Sadeqeen’- To avoid everything that is not religious so that one may not waste precious time in useless acts, even though there may not be any risk of committing a sin.
Deeds (Actions) Without Taqwa = zero (0) Nullified
The Holy Prophet (S) said:

“On the Day of Judgement there would be people whose good deeds will be as heavy as the mountains of Tahama. Inspite of this it would be ordered that they be tossed into the fire of Hell.”

Upon this someone said, “O! the Prophet of Allah (S), were these people performing Salāt (prayers)?”,

“Yes, they used to pray, and fast, and also spend a part of the night in worship. But, whenever they chanced upon something which gave them pleasure, they used to rush to it without thinking whether it was right or wrong.”
Lack Of Piety – Spoils The Foundation
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
“Strive more to perform good deeds. However if you cannot perform a good act (at least) do not disobey (the commands of Allah). Because if one lays the foundation of a building and does not spoil it, then, even if the progress is slow, the building will definitely rise. (Conversely) The person who lays the foundation and at the same time spoils it, then it is sure that the walls of this building will never be raised.”²

Taqwa - Best Provisions for the Hereafter

Allah says in Holy Quran - “For those among them who did good and acted piously there will be a great reward."

Imam Ali (as) said,
While returning from Siffin, Imam Ali passed along the cemetery of Kufa. Addressing the graves he said: "O you, who are lying in horrible and deserted houses. O you, who are shut up in the dark graves, who are alone in their abodes, strangers to the places assigned to them; you have gone ahead and preceded us, while we are also following your steps and shall shortly join you. Do you know what has happened aver you? Your houses and property was taken up by others, your widows have remarried, this is what we can tell you of this world. Can you give us some news about things around you?" Saying this, Imam Ali turned to his companions and said, "If they are permitted to speak they will inform you that the best provision for the next world is piety and virtue".4
Taqwa – Self Purification & Cure For Psychic Diseases

The Commander of the Faithful Imam' Ali (A) said:
"Piety is the only cure for wickedness of your heart. It is the Divine Light to expel darkness of your heart. It is a remedy for your ailing mind. It is the only way of improvement for your corrupt soul. It purifies your conscience. It brings back sight to the eyes blinded by ignorance of truth."5

A Beautiful Garden - Prepared For Pious Ones

(133) وَسَارِعُواْ إِلَى مَغْفِرَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا السَّمَاوَاتُ وَالأَرْضُ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ
"And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden whose width is (as) the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious ones."
-the Holy Quran (3:133)

Finally, we conclude with this tradition from - Imam Ja’far ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (a.s):
“A person who would like to be among the companions of al-Qa’im should be in a state of (active) waiting (Intidhar), and perform all of his deeds with Wara’ and with the most beautiful etiquette and then one will be counted as being in a state of (true) waiting (Intidhar). Then if such a person was to die and al-Qa’im was to make his advent after this, then that person would receive the reward as the one who witnessed his (al-Mahdi’s) advent.”
[Biharul Anwar, Vol.52, Pg.140; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu’mani]
So, we must all pray to Allah to give us taufeeq to acquire taqwa as He wants & include us among his (a.t.f.s) companions.

1.     Greater Sin, Vol.1
2.    Iddat’ud-Dai, page 235
3.    Holy Quran (3:172)
4.    NahjulBalagah, Saying No.129

5.    NahjulBalagha, letter no.198.

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