One who does
goodness to us enjoys certain rights on us and we find its details in the lofty
book famous as Resalat Al-Huqooq of our master Imam Sajjad (a.s):
وَأمّا حَقُّ ذِي
المَعْرُوفِ عَلَيكَ فَأَنْ تَشْكُرَهُ وتَذْكُرَ مَعْرُوفَهُ وتَنْشُرَ لَهُ
الْمَقَالَةَ الْحَسَنَةَ، وَتُخلِصَ لَهُ الدُّعَاءَ فِيمَا بَينَكَ وبَيْنَ
اللَّهِ عز وجل ، فَإنّكَ إذَا فَعَلْتَ ذَلِكَ كُنْتَ قَدْ شَكَرْتَهُ سِرًّا
وَعَلانِيَةً. ثُمَّ إنْ قدرتعلى مكافأته يوماً كافأته
right of him who does a kindly act (dhu l-ma'ruf) toward you is that you thank him
and mention his kindness; you reward him with beautiful words and you
supplicate for him sincerely in that which is between you and God. If you do
that, you have thanked him secretly and openly. Then, if you are able to repay
him one day, you repay him.
Indeed the Holy Prophet (sawa) and the Ahlul Bayt
(a.s) are the biggest maroof while we see with our eyes how the nation treated
this bounty and oppressed them. During the life time of the Holy Prophet (sawa)
there were some ill-mannered people around him who used to call the Holy
Prophet (sawa) by name "Oh Muhammad!" as if they considered the
leader of the Prophets (a.s) as an ordinary person amongst themselves who had
no position in society, that they addressed him (sawa) in such a disrespectful
manner. Upon this Allah, Mighty and Majestic be He revealed the verse 63 of
Surah Noor:
لَّا تَجْعَلُوا دُعَاءَ الرَّسُولِ بَيْنَكُمْ كَدُعَاءِ بَعْضِكُم بَعْضًا
Do not make [your] calling of the
Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to another.
After this declaration it was incumbent upon every
individual to respectfully address the messenger (sawa) by saying
"yaRasool Allah" and not call him by name.
JanabeZehra (s.a) who used to address the messenger of
Allah lovingly by calling out "YaAbata" after this order started
calling him (sawa) as "YaRasool Allah". It is better we refer back to
the words of JanabeSayyeda (s.a) in this regard:
القاضي أبو محمد الكرخي في
كتابه عن الصادق (عليه السلام) قالت فاطمة (عليها السلام): لما نزلت: (لا تجعلوا
دعاء الرسول بينكم كدعاء بعضكم بعضا) (١) [ر] هبت رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله)
أن أقول له: يا أبة فكنت أقول: يا رسول الله فأعرض عني مرة أو اثنتين أو ثلاثا ثم
أقبل علي فقال: يا فاطمة إنها لم تنزل فيك، ولا في أهلك ولا في نسلك، أنت مني وأنا
منك إنما نزلت في أهل الجفاء والغلظة من قريش أصحاب البذخ والكبر قولي: يا أبة،
فإنها أحيى للقلب، وأرضى للرب.

volume 43 page 32-33)
Fatema (s.a) said: when the verse descended "Do
not make [your] calling of the Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of
you to another." I stopped calling the messenger (sawa)
"yaAbata" and I said "YaRasool Allah", then the messenger
objected once, twice or thrice then he (sawa) turned towards me and said
"Oh Fatema (s.a), surely it has not revealed for you, neither for your
family nor for your progeny, you are from me while I am from you, surely it has
been revealed for the harsh people and the cruel ones and from the Quraish it
is for the extravagant and the haughty ones. You continue to say
"YaAbata" for surely you’re saying this enlivens my heart and
satisfies Allah.
Indeed JanabeZehra (s.a) is exceptional, and in
whatever way she addresses her father it is pleasing for him (sawa) and Allah,
and her words are having an effect on the heart of the messenger of Allah
(sawa) such that it enlivens his heart. And the life bestowing fragrance in her
words refreshes the soul of the messenger of Allah.
And it is like this that Allah accounts exceptionally
for JanabeZehra (s.a) and for her children and her progeny and He is satisfied
in whatever way His messenger is addressed by them, and how refreshing it is
for the messenger (sawa) to listen to these words of JanabeZehra (s.a)
We fail to comprehend how disturbing it would have
been to the pure heart of the messenger (sawa), the cry of lady Zehra (s.a)
"YaAbata" when Zofor (l.a) pushed the burning door upon her which
became a cause of the martyrdom of JanabeMohassin (a.s) and for Sayyedatunnisa
al-alameen (a.s). We pray to Allah that he hastens the reappearance of Imame Zaman
(atfs) so that this oppression is avenged at the earliest. Ameen!
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