Saturday, February 4, 2017

Fourth Imam: Imam Ali Ibne Hussain (a.s.)

Allah says in Hadees e Lauh which is a Hadees e Kudsi

Ref. Ghaibat e Nomani – Page 81, Hadees-e-Lauh, al-Kaafi, vol. 1, p. 527

Hadees e Lauh (the Tablet) which was given by Allah to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). Holy Prophet gifted this tablet to BibiZehra (s.a) on the birth of Imam Hussain (a.s). This tablet is also known as Lauh e Fatema. In this hadees, Allah has introduced the twelve Imams along with their name. In this hades, Allah has introduced Imam Ali ibneHussain (a.s) with the above titles i.eZainulAbedeen and AwleyaAyelmazeen

Imam Sajjad (a.s) was born on 15th JamadiulAwwal 38 A.H. His respected father was Imam Hussainibne Ali (a.s) and his honourable mother was Janab e Shaharbano (s.a) also called Shahezanaan, who passed away from this world within ten days of his birth.

Imam Ali ibne Husain (a.s) is known by 2 famous titles, ZainulAbedeen and SayyideSajjad.

The reason of his being known as ZainulAbideen is that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) had given this title to him and in his lifetime had predicted that when on Judgment Day ZainulAbideen will be summoned, a descendant of mine, Ali Ibnul Husain would appear before the Almighty saying Labbaik

In another incident it is mentioned that, once Imam Sajjad (a.s) was engrossed in Midnight Prayer when satan appeared to him in form of a python and began to sting him and began to chew at his toe. But when he paid no attention, it left in disappointment and a voice came from unseen: You are ZainulAbideen.
(Ref: Nokush e Ismat Page 445)

After the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) people began to regard Muhammad Hanafiya as Imam as he was eldest in the family at that time, he proposed to Imam Sajjad (a.s.) that this matter should be decided through HajarAswad in holy Kaaba so that all may know what the truth is. So both gentlemen went there; first Muhammad Hanafiya saluted, but could not elicit any response; then Imam Sajjad (a.s.) saluted and got a reply. Thus HajarAswad testified to his Imamate and in this way the matter of Imamate became absolutely clear                           
(Ref: Nokush e Ismat Page 445)

Worship of Imam

One day Imam MohammadBaqir (a.s) came and saw his father Imam Sajjad (a.s) engrossed in prayers. He saw that his father colour had gone yellow from weeping all night; his eyes had used up all their water from being awake all night; his forehead was bruised and his nose squashed from prostrating; and his legs and feet were swollen from standing in prayer.

Imam Baqir (a.s) says: “I could not control myself from weeping when I saw him in that state and I wept, may Allāh have mercy on him. Behold, he was thinking and he turned to me a short time after I had come and said:

‘My son, give me some of those parchments in which there is the (practice of) worship of ‘Alī b. AbīṬālib, peace be on him’.”

“I gave them to him and he read something from them for a while. Then he let them go from his hand in exasperation and said: ‘Who is strong enough to perform the worship of ‘Alī b. AbīṬālib, peace be on him?”                             
(Ref: Kitab Al Irshad – Page 356)

This incident teaches us that we should never be proud of our worship and never be satisfied with it.

When Imam ‘Alī b al-Ḥusayn (a.s), used to perform wuzu, his skin would turn yellow,

“What is it that has afflicted you?” his family asked him.

“Don’t you know WHOM you are preparing to stand before?” he asked
Akhlaq of Imam

Once, Imam Sajjad (a.s) was sitting with his companions. A man from his House stood in front of Imam ‘Alī b al-Ḥusayn, (a.s), andmade him listen to him and cursed him.

However, he did not reply. When (theman) had gone away, he said to those who were sitting with him: “You heardwhat that man said? I want you to come with me so that you may hear from memy reply to him.”

“We will do that,” they replied, “we wanted you to answer him while we werespeaking (together),”
He took his shoes and went, while reciting:

Those who spend in prosperity and adversity  and those who restrain their anger, andthose
who forgive the people, Allāh loves those who do good. (Aale Imran 135)

The companions understood that Imam would not say anything to the person.

Imam (as) went along until he came to the house of that man who had screamed at him.
“This is ‘Alī b al-Ḥusayn,” they told him,

He came rushing out towards us with evil intent. He had no doubt that Imam (as)had come to him to repay him for some of the evil which he had given him.

“Brother,” said Imam Sajjad (a.s) “you were standing proudly over me and yousaid this and that. If you have said what is (really) in my (character), I seekAllāh’s forgiveness for it. If you have said what is not in my character, may Allāhforgive you”,

The man kissed him between the eyes and replied: “Yes, I said what was not inyour character, may I be worthy of it (i.e. Allāh’s forgiveness)”. (Ref: Kitab Al Irshad – P 356)

Imam through his good akhlaq changed the hearts of people. This is a lesson for us that if we want to overpower our enemies, it will happen not through strength or through anger but with patience and good Akhlaq

In another incident a man who claimed to be a friend of our 4th Imam, Imam Ali ZainulAbideen (a.s) came to him and told him that so and so had been saying horrible things about him. Imam (a.s) replied that he had not heard anything and would not have if the man had not told him.

Imam (a.s) then continued that the person who had said the horrible things was as if he had shot an arrow and missed the target but the man who had told him was as if he had picked up the fallen arrow and hit the target (i.e Imam (a.s) with it. Allah does not like the habit of spreading scandal and gossip even if it be true.
(Ref: Anecdotes of 14 Infalliable (a.s)

Do not talk about other people when they are not there even if what you say is true.

Allah says in Quran in SurehNurAyat 20

Surely (as for) those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know

Imam Ja’farSadiq (a.s.) narrates that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, “One who spreads scandal is like one who started it. One who hurts a believer in any way will not die until he has faced the same calamity.”
(Ref – SawabulAmaal Page 307)

Miracle of Imam

A resident of Balkh used to visit Imam Sajjad (a.s) often and also bring with himself some presents for the Imam (as). Once his wife said: You always take gifts for Imam (as), but he does not give you anything in return.

By chance when he met the Imam (a.s) this time, he was having his dinner; he asked that man to join him. After dinner he offered to wash his hands, but he declined saying that on the contrary he would wash the Imam’s hands.

When he began to pour water on Imam’s (as) hands, he continued to ask about the washing product and he continued to say that it was water and he continued to change them into gems and ornaments; so much so that when the tub was full, the Imam (a.s) said: Take this and give it to your wife so that she has no more complains.

When he brought those valuable items to his wife, she was astonished how the Imam (as) came to know what she had complained and the following year she accompanied the husband to visit the Imam; but on the way she passed away. The husband informed the Imam about it and he prayed to the Almighty and she returned to life and she came to the Imam and testified that he was the one who had asked the angel of death of return the soul he had previously captured.
(Ref: Nokush e Ismat Page 445)

This incident highlights many important points, the main one being that Imam eWaqt is aware of our intentions and if we ask anything from him he will provide it to us.

In the end let’s see what Imam Sajjad (a.s) has said about Imam eZaman (a.s)

Imam Sajjas (a.s) says:

“In His Eminence, Qaim (a.s.) are present similarities to seven prophets. The practice of our father, Adam, the practice of Ibrahim, the practice of Musa, the practice of Isa, the practice of Ayyub and the practice of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).
ü  As for the practice of Adam and Nuh (a.s.) it is a long life.
ü  As for the similarity with Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) it is a concealed birth and being away from the people.
ü  And from Musa it is the fear and occultation.
ü  And from Isa is that he will have discord regarding him.
ü  With Ayyub (a.s.) he shares the occurrence of triumph after difficulties.ü  And from Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) he will share the aspect of advent and armed uprising.”                                                                       (Ref: KamaluddinVol 2)

Regarding the Shias of the Last period, Imam ZainulAabedeen (a.s) says:

“One who remains firm on our guardianship (Wilayat) during the occultation of our Qaim (a.s), Allah, the Mighty and Sublime will give the reward of a thousand martyrs of Badr and Uhad.”                                                    
(Ref: KamaluddinVol 2)

We pray to Allah, that he keeps us firm on the Wilayat of Imam e Zaman (a.s) and give us tawfeek to serve him more and in a better manner.

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