Monday, September 30, 2013

The Faith of Janab e Abu Talib (a.s)

Faith is such an entity that its reality can be concealed in the hearts due to special circumstances and in such situations its reality cannot be determined by anyone except by those who are bestowed with ilim e Gayb and are aware of the conditions of hearts,  its inclining towards and its repelling against.There are ample such examples in history where the believers had to conceal their faith due to the circumstances prevalent during that time, of which some are even brought forward in the Holy Quran like the Ashab e Kahaf, Momin e Firaun etc.

As for Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) then we must understand that he was no ordinary person that an enquiry be conducted to determine his faith.The books of history are replete with his achievements and accomplishments in the protection of Islam and the Holy prophet (sawa). The certification of this fact comes from the side of Allah directly as confessed in Sharh e Nahjul balagah of Ibne Abil Hadeed Motazeli volume 1 page 29 thus:

لما توفي أبو طالب أوحي إليه ع و قيل له اخرج منها فقد مات ناصرك‏

After Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) had passed away it was revealed to Prophet (sawa) leave from here (Mecca for Medina) certainly your helper has died.

Indeed Janab e AbuTalib (a.s) in his lifetime on many occasions had made it clear from both his words and deeds that he was amongst the foremost ones who believed in the Prophethood of Muhammad (sawa) and was ready to sacrifice everything he had for the protection of the Prophet (sawa) of Allah. And one of the most important events confirming this fact is called in the books of history as the “Shaib (valley) of Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s)”

Hazrat AbuTalib (as)’s sincere protection of Prophet

The event of Shaib e Abu Talib is detailed, Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) resisted against the Quraysh while they had decided to severe off economic ties and in whatever possible manner finish the Prophet (sawa) of Islam. As a result the Muslims were confined in a Shaib i.e. valley surrounded by mountains, from 7th year to the 10th year or proclamation. Our hearts burn when we remember that our beloved Prophet (sawa) and the true believers had to stay in this valley for 3 years in the scorching heat of Mecca in a state that everyone has severed ties with them and deserted them to such severe trials. Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) spent all the wealth he possessed and also the magnanimous wealth of Janab e Khadija was exhausted in the protection of the suckling Islam in this valley. Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) used to be extremely vigilant in the protection of the Holy Prophet (sawa) so much so that sometimes he would flatten the place where Holy Prophet (sawa) used to sleep and at times when he anticipated an attack on the Prophet (sawa) in the middle of the night, he made Hazrat Ali (a.s) sleep in the bed of Prophet (sawa).  And there is no surprise that this practice of Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s) became a sunnat of Allah that He ordered His Prophet to make Ali sleep on his bed in the night of Hijrat. The love of Hazrat AbuTalib (as) for the Prophet of Allah was so extreme that he did not care for his wealth neither was bothered for his beloved children and was ready to sacrifice everything he possessed for the sake of Islam and the Prophet (sawa).
Reference to the event can be found at the following sources:

تاريخاليعقوبي،ج 2،ص 31 ـدلائلالنبوةللبيهقي،ج 2،ص 361 ـالبدايةوالنهايةلإبنكثيرالدمشقي،ج 3،ص 105 ـالسيرةالنبويةلإبنكثير،ج 2،ص 43 ـتاريخالإسلامللذهبي،ج 1،ص 221 ـالدررلإبنعبدالبر،ص 53 ـالنزاعوالتخاصمللمقريزي،ص 66 ـسبلالهديوالرشادللصالحيالشامي،ج 2،ص 377 ـالسيرةالحلبيةللحلبي،ج 2،ص 25

In reality Shaib e Abu Talib is the most extreme form of protection of Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s) extended for the Prphet (sawa) in which he never cared of his own life or the lives of his own children. Our question to the muslim nation here is why were Abu Bakr and Umar not to be seen on this and every occasion of trial upon Islam that demanded altruistic sacrifices?

As for the whereabouts of Abu Bakr during this event, we find that Abu Jafar Al Iskafi writes in his book Almeyar wal mawazena Page 88,

Then you should ponder a little as to what trials and tribulations Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) was undergoing in this siege along with the Prophet (sawa)….And Abu Bakr along with his family was secure and in ease”

And Umar not being a Muslim, shamelessly tortured the Muslims and also wanted to kill Holy Prophet (sawa) during this period. As the sunni scholar Zahni Dahlan writes in his book Tareekh e Islam volume 1 page 181:

At the time when Muslims were migrating to Ethiopia Umar asked where are you going? Why do you want to leave Mecca? They replied due to the severe torture you inflict on every person who becomes Muslim.

Anas bin Malik narrates Umar took his sword and on his way met a person from the tribe of zohra, he asked Umar where are you going? Umar replied I am going to kill Mohammed, the person said if you kill Mohammed how will you save your life from the bani hashim and the tribe of Zohra do you not wish that I direct you towards your sister and your brother in law that both have become Muslims?  Umar went to his brother in law and started beating him then her sister came to the rescue of her husband upon which Umar beat her on face such that blood started flowing from her face…

Tareekh al Islam of Zahhabi Volume 1 page 174, Tareekh e Madina e Damishk of ibne Asakir volume 44 page 34, Fath e Bari fi shar e Sahihbukhari of Ibnehajarasqalani volume 7 page 38, umdatulQari fi sharah e sahi al bukhari of Aiyni volume 17 page 9, Durulmansoor of Jalaludinsoyuti volume 4 page 293, tabaqat e Qubra of mohammed bin Saad volume 3 page 267, Shar e Nahjulbalagah of IbneAbilHadid volume 12 page 182.

Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s) in the Prophetic traditions:

Apart from his actions the sayings of Holy Prophet (sawa) & Aimmah Masoomeen (a.s) enumerate his merits in a way that is unimaginable and astonishing to the intellects. Here is not the place to deal with this topic in details but a glimpse to the fact can be observed from the following two traditions:
 أخرج ابن الجوزي بإسناده عن علي عليه السلام مرفوعا: هبط جبرئيل عليه السلام علي فقال : إن الله يقرئك السلام ويقول: حرمت النار على صلب أنزلك، وبطن حملك، وحجر كفلك، أما الصلب فعبد الله، وأما البطن فآمنة، وأما الحجر فعمه يعني أبا طالب و فاطمة بنت أسد.
Ibne Jawzi has narrated from his chain from Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s) that Jibrael descended and told to Prophet (sawa) Surely Allah sends salutations to you and says that fire is prohibited upon the loin that brought you and the womb that carried you and the guardian that protected you.As for the loin then it is Janabe Abdullah (as) and as for the womb then it is Janabe Amena (as) and as for the guardian then it is his uncle (and aunt) i.e. Janabe Abu Talib (as) and Fatema binte Wahab (as)
(Al Gadheer volume 7 page 378 narrating from Tazeemwalmunat page 25 of Hafiz Suyuti)

And in one another tradition from Imam Baqir (a.s):

لَوْ وُضِعَ إِيمَانُ أَبِي طَالِبٍ فِي كِفَّةِ مِيزَانٍ وَ إِيمَانُ هَذَا الْخَلْقِ فِي الْكِفَّةِ الْأُخْرَى لَرَجَحَ إِيمَانُهُ

If the Faith of Hazrat AbuTalib (as) is placed on one pan of the weighing scale and the faith of all the creations on another pan of the scale, his faith will be weightier.

(Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 35, p. 156 narrating from SharhNahj al-Balaaghah of IbnAbi al-Hadeed al-Motazeli, vol. 14, p. 68)

In yet another tradition Imam Reza (a.s) declares the abode of the one who disbelieves in the faith of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) as the fire!
كتبأبانبنمحمودبنإلىعليبنموسىالرضاعليهالسلام: جعلتفداكإنيقدشككتفيإسلامأبيطالب.
فكتبإليه: ومنيشاققالرسولمنبعدماتبينلهالهدىويتبعغيرسبيلالمؤمنين.
الآية: وبعدهاإنكإنلمتقربإيمانأبيطالبكانمصيركإلىالنار

Aban Bin Mahmood wrote a letter to Imam Reza (a.s), May I be your ransom certainly I doubt in the Islam of Hazrat AbuTalib (as). Imam (a.s) replied starting with the verse of Quran “

“if anyone contends with the Messenger Even after guidance has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that becoming to men of Faith”

And after this if you still do not believe in the faith of Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s) then your abode will be the fire

(SharhNahj al-Balaaghah of IbnAbi al-Hadeed al-Motazeli, vol. 14, p. 68)

Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s) as per the sunni scholars:

Let us conclude the discussion with the words of the sunni scholar At-Talmassani who says when mentioning Hazrat AbuTalib (as):

"He should not be mentioned except with protecting the Prophet (s) because he protected and supported the Prophet (s) in saying and doing. Criticizing Hazrat AbuTalib (as) would harm the Prophet (s) and he, who harmed the Prophet (s), would be unbeliever and the unbeliever should be killed."

(Al gadheer volume 7 page 382 narrating from Hashiyato Ashifa & Fatawa of Allama Ajhoori)

If the readers are really interested in drilling further down in this matter and learn the opinions of revered sunni scholars of the order of Qurtubi, as-Sabki, ash-Sha`arani, IbneWahshi, Abu Tahir, al-Barazanji, As-Sayooti, ZayniDahlan regarding the Faith of Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s) we invite them to refer to the master piece of Allama Amini (r.a) Al-Gadheer Volume 7 page 382, 383 & 384).


Despite Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) numerous and unparalleled merits there are still some nasibis who in the enmity of Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s) doubt his faith, in the process rejecting the numerous traditions regarding his merits and all his sacrifices and contributions documented in the books of History. It is sheer prejudice that forces this group to not believe in the faithof Hazrat AbuTalib (a.s) while at the same time they defend the faith of proven disbelievers, criminals and drunkards of the likes of Yazeed (LA). What a misery that they acquit Shajar e Maloona of Kufr and Jahannam while their hatred towards Hazrat Ali (a.s) does not permit them to believe that the father of the distributor of Hell and Paradise will be in paradise. It is up to the readers to make an unbiased decision on this matter and arrive on a fair conclusion so that the ajr e resalt to Holy prophet can be presented in the best of the manner.


We are slaves of Imam-e-Zamana (atfs) while he is our master. He is the centre of perfection while we are full of errors and mistakes. The spirit of serving him despite our incapabilities is appreciable. If we cannot serve Imam (as) like he deserves to be, atleast we can strive and work hard. Let us have a look at some traditions about hardwork so that we understand what it takes to serve hard. This discussion can be a self-appraisal for us, let us rate ourselves and our service.

a)  Why we should work hard
We are responsible and will be questioned

ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): كُلُّ امرِئٍ مَسؤولٌ عمّا مَلَكَتْ يَمِينُهُ وعِيالِهِ.

Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Every single person is answerable for all that he possesses and all who depend on him.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 7254]  

            We should serve others

ـ عن جميل ـ قال الإمام الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ : المؤمِنونَ خَدَمٌ بَعْضُهُم لبَعْضٍ ـ [قالَ جميلٌ:] قلتُ : وكيفَ يَكونونَ خَدَماً بَعْضُهم لبَعْضٍ ؟ قالَ ـ : يُفيدُ بَعْضُهُم بَعْضاً.

Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘The believers are servants of each other’. (Jameel narrates), ‘I asked, ‘How are they servants of each other?’ The Imam replied, ‘By being of benefit to each other.’[al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 167, no. 9]  

b)  What is expected from us.
Do not care about physical exertion, pain and hard
ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): مَن أسخَطَ بَدَنَهُ أرضى رَبَّهُ ، ومَن لَم يُسخِطْ بَدَنَهُ عَصى رَبَّهُ.
Imam Ali (AS) said, 'He who dissatisfies his body earns Allah's pleasure, and he who is not willing to dissatisfy his body defies Allah.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 70, p. 312, no. 11 taken from Mizaanuln Hikmah]  

    Do not care about blame and displeasure of others
 الإمامُ الهاديُّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): مَن أطاعَ الخالِقَ لَم يُبالِ بسَخَطِ المَخلوقِ .
Imam al-Hadi (AS) said, ‘He who obeys the Creator is not bothered by the displeasure of the creation [i.e. other people].’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 366, no. 2]  

 Submission of the heart

الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): مَن تَواضَعَ قَلبُهُ للّه‏ِِ لَم يَسأمْ بَدَنُهُ مِن طاعَةِ اللّه‏ِ .

Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘He whose heart submits to Allah, his body never tires of Allah’s obedience.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 90, no. 95]  

c)  What are the obstructions to hardwork
Attraction towards sins, comfort and pleasure

 الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): مَن أجهَدَ نَفسَهُ في إصلاحِها سَعِدَ، مَن أهمَلَ نفسَهُ في لَذّاتِها شَقِيَ وبَعُدَ.

Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Whoever exerts his soul in a bid to improve himself prospers, and whoever neglects and abandons his soul to its pleasures attracts misfortune and becomes distant [from Allah].’[Ghurar al-Hikam, 8246-8247]   

Characteristics of Enemies of Imam Ali (a.s.) in the books of Ahle Sunnah

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has not only introduced Imam Ali (a.s.) as the Imam of the people on various occasions but also introduced the characteristics of Imam Ali (a.s.)’s enemies. In this treatise we will look at few characteristics of enemies of Imam Ali (a.s.) from the books of Ahle Sunnah.
1)        Illegitimate Birth

Ibne Abbas narrates from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)that he (s.a.w.a.) addressed Hazrat Ali (a.s.) – No one from Arab will hate you except that he is illegitimate by birth and no Ansar will hate you except that he is a Jew and none from other people will hate you except a wretched (Shaqi).
(Manaqeb-e-Khwarazmi, pg. 323, HN 330)

Similarly, a tradition is quoted by Ibne Asakir, he narrates from Saabit who narrates from Anas that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) introduced Hazrat Ali (a.s.) on the day of the Khyber…O people! Check your children with his love. Surely Ali will not call you towards misguidance nor will he keep you away from guidance. Then one who loves him he is from you and one who hates him does not belong to you.

Anas ibne Malik says: After the batter of Kyber, a person carried his son on his shoulders and stood on the path from where Ali was coming. When he saw Ali, he turned toward his son and asked: O my son, whether you like the person coming (from the opposite direction)? If the child replied in affirmative, he kissed him and if the reply was negative. He use to throw down the child on the ground and say: Go and join your mother… I am no need of a son who does not take Ali ibne Abi Taalib as friend.

(Tarrekh-e-Demisqh, Vol  42, pg 288, HN 888)

The above traditions bring out the reality of the enemies of Imam Ali (a.s.)

2)        Hypocrisy

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) says: Surely by the One who splits the seed and has created man in a best manner. Surely the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)has promised me that none will love me except a believer and none will hate me except a hypocrite.

           Sahih Muslim, vol 1, pg 120, HN 131, Kitabul Imaan HN 3736
    Sunan-e-Tirmizi, vol 5, pg 601, HN 3736
       Musnad-e-Ahmad, vol 1, pg 135, HN 643
      Sunan ibne Majah, vol  1, pg 42, HN 114

Another tradition is from Janabe Umme Salamah who narrates from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that he (s.a.w.a.) said: A hypocrite will never love Ali and a believer will never hate Ali.
     Sunan-e-Tirmizi, vol 5, pg 549, HN 3717
      Al Munsahif of Ibne Abi Shaiba, vol 12, pg 77, HN 12163

Similarly, Janabe Abu Zar-e-Ghaffari says: In the time of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) we recognized the hypocrites by three ways – their denial of Allah and His Messenger, turning away from prayers and hatred towards Ali ibne Abi Taalib.

        Al Riyazu Nazarah, vol 3, pg 167
     Kanzul Ummal, vol 13, pg 106, HN 36346

Another companion of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), Abu Saeed Khudri narrates: We, the Ansar, recognized the hypocrites by their enmity towards Ali.

Sunan-e-Tirmizi, vol 5, pg 593, HN 3717

3)        Morally depraved

Abu Saeed Khudri narrates from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.): None will hate Ali except a hypocrite or morally depraved one (Faasiq) or a seeker of the world.
Tarrekh-e-Demisqh, Vol  42, pg 285, HN 817

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has not only guided us towards eternal success and happiness by introducing Imam Ali (a.s.) but also unveiled the enemies of Imam Ali (a.s.). May Allah include us among the servants of Ahle Bait (a.s.)