Sunday, July 28, 2013

Insulting a believer

During the Battle of Tabuk the Holy Prophet (S) announced that people should donate as much as they can to cover the cost of the Battle. The affluent people donated large amounts and the poor gave whatever little they could. A companion by the name of Abu Aqīl Ansari brought 1.75 sīr of dates and said, “I have laboured from last night till morning and received 3.5 sīr of dates. Half I left for my family and the other half for Allah.” The hypocrites began to make fun of both the types of people and began to find faults with them. For those who donated more, they said that they have given such large amounts to show off their wealth and for those who could contribute little, they said: They want to be included among the philanthropist, or they wanted people to consider them at the time of giving charity.
However, Allah (s.w.t.) did not like the insulting of the believers and promised them a painful chastisement:
“They who taunt those of the faithful who give their alms freely, and those who give to the extent of their earnings and scoff at them; Allah will pay them back their scoffings and they shall have a painful chastisement.”
(Surah at-Tawba 9: 79)
Inuslting a believer – believing men or woman, elder or younger, relative or non-relative is one of the Gunahe Kabeera.

We need to keep an eye on our actions and know that all  of the below listed actions are actually considered as an Insult of a believer :
·        Making fun of the actions of a believer
·        Mocking the defects of a believer
·        Abusing a believer by associating an evil thing with them (drunkard, betrayer of trust, donkey, pig etc.)
·        Taunting the actions of a believer to cause them disgrace
·        Calling out the faults of a believer in a gathering

We need to realise that sometimes while we avoid these things whilst dealing with strangers and unrelated people, we are heedless with regards to our close relatives like our wife, children, and parents etc.  We are mindful of these actions when dealing with our colleagues in office but least bothered when dealing with our brothers and those who are serving Imam (as).

It is good to avoid all kinds of formalities with our loved ones, relatives and brothers but we cannot afford to be so casual so as to devoid them of all kinds of respect and actually insult them.
Our loved ones, near relatives and these brothers are our actual assets, real companions and true friends and we need to take care of them, keep them satisfied and happy. We cannot afford to lose them at any cost.

Insulting a believer has been criticized by our Aimmah (as) and we find a tradition wherein Hazrat Imam Baqir (a.s.) says,
“One who taunts a believer on his face will die the most terrible death. And he has moved in such a direction from where there is no return to goodness.”
(al-Kāfi Vol. 2 page 360)

Lastly, a question may arise as to why insulting a believer is so disliked by Allah(s.w.t), His Prophet(s.a.w.s) and the AhlulBayt(a.s.).  The answer is provided by Holy Prophet(s.a.w.s):
“Indeed Allah has made the believer an example of His Greatness and Power. So one who taunts a believer or rejects his request, he has actually rejected the command of Allah.”
(Wasa’ilul-Shia, vol. 8 page 612)
Thus, the insult of a believer is in fact the mockery, abuse and taunt of the Greatness and Power of Allah(s.w.t.) .

Let us resolve to list down those who could have faced our insulting words or gestures and thereafter gather courage and seek forgiveness of all the above to ensure the wrath and punishment of Allah(s.w.t)  does not befall us.

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