Monday, March 31, 2014

Masaaeb of Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a)

In His name the most high and by the remembrance of His last Deputy (atfs)

Masaaeb of Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a)

Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a) while expressing her at the calamities she suffered after the departure of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
 صبت علي مصائبٌ لو أنها ........ صُبت على الأيام صرن لياليا
Such afflictions befell me that if they ….Were to fall on bright days will turn them into dark nights

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) had left this transient world only a few days ago when the oppressive hypocrites brought to the fore their old animosity against the Ahlebait (as). On the instructions of the first and second caliph and his cronies rushed to the door of Janab Zahra (s.a) with ugliest intention on their minds i.e. to set her on fire.  This was the very door at which hitherto a few days back holy Prophet would arrive every day and bless the residents in the following manner. 
السلام علیک یا اہل بیت النبوت و معدن الرسالہ

The enemies of Islam gathered at her door and violently knocked at it asking Ameerul Momeneen (a.s) to come out and pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr. The lady of the house in turn replied that the sad demise of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) was enough for their remorse as if pointing to the calamities that will soon befell her household and at the same time warning the intruders from carrying out their pre planned and ugly plans. The barbaric intruders led by Umar Ibn Khattab however paid no heed to her pleas and to the sanctity of the sacred house and set it on fire. The pure lady was expecting a child who was cruelly martyred by Umar Ibn Khattab by burning the door and bringing it down on her and making it as a bridge for his cronies to pass over from. We can only narrate the pain and suffering the pious lady must have gone through, we shall however narrate some of her elegies to fathom the pain the lady must have felt.
She (s.a) came to the Mosque and while crying said:

`Oh! Father Oh! My sincere friend
Oh! Abu Al-Qasim , Oh! The helper of the widowed and the orphans
Who do we have for Kaaba and the Mosque?
Who does your saddened and grieved daughter have?"

This elegy hints that the pure lady was left alone without a well wisher and a support. The loneliness of the lady worsened the sorrow as the nation of the father had deserted her.
Add to this grief the bitterness of the usurpation of her inheritance i.e. the estate of Fidak on the pretext that the prophets do not leave any heritance. The sacred lady was taken aback by this conduct of the nation of her father, the nation which her father (s.a.w.a) brought out from the darkness and filth of polytheism and disbelief.

Once when she proceeded towards the tomb of the Prophet; it was difficult for her to walk because her tears covered her eyes and she lost her consciousness. The women rushed to rescue her and when she regained consciousness; she said:

`My strength has been eradicated…My endurance has betrayed me
My enemies have rejoiced at my misfortune…And my grief will kill me
Father! I remain bewildered and lonely…Confused and lonesome
My voice is subdued…My back is broken
My life is disturbed…I find no one, Father, after you to attend to my loneliness
Neither to stop my tears…Nor to support me in times of weakness
Surely precise revelations, the place of Jibrael’s   descendance and Mikail’s location have vanished after you
Father, Motives (of others) have changed…And gates have been shut in my face
Thus, I detest this world after you…And my tears shall be shed for you as long as breath continues to exist in me
My longing for you shall not cease…My sadness for (being separated from) you shall not vanish
Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then cried out loudly:…Father!! With you went the light of the world
Its flowers wither away after blossoming in your presence
Father!! I will forever be sorrowful for you until we are reunited
Father!! Sleeping has left me since we have been separated
Father!! Who is there for the widows and the orphans
Who will we have for the Ummah until The Day of Rising?!...Father!  We became-after you-among the oppressed
Father!! People shun us after you…After we were glorified by your presence among men
Thus, what tear shall not spill on your departure?...What sadness (after you) shall not continue to exist?
Which eyelid shall be smeared with slumber?...You are the spring of faith and the light of Prophets
So how can mountains not sway?...And seas not dry out?
How can the Earth not tremble?...
Father! I have been afflicted with the greatest sorrow, and my disaster is not minor!
Father!! I have been inflicted with the greatest misfortune and the biggest calamity
Angels cry for you, and stars cease to move because of you..Your pulpit (after you) is gloomy, Your pulpit is empty..
Of your secret conversation (with your Lord)…Your grave is joyful for holding you
And Paradise is delighted with your presence…Supplication and prayers
Father!! How gloomy are your meeting places (without your presence)!!
How pained I am for you, until I soon join you!!...How bereaved is Abu Al-Hussan, The entrusted one!!
The Father of your two sons, Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn; your beloved one
He whom you brought up as a youth, and made your brother as a man (Abu Al-Hasan)
The most beloved of your companions to you…Abu Al-Hasan, who was the first to immigrate and help you
Sadness has overtaken us; Crying will kill us…And distress will always accompany us.'

As if it was not enough the people of Madinah came to Ameerul Momeneen (a.s) and complained that her continuous wailing bothered them. None attempted to offer condolence to the grieved lady and instead complained to her husband, as if her wailing was reminding them of the atrocities they have treated the religion of Allah and Ahlebait (a.s) with. Ameerul Momeneen (a.s) built a house for her behind Baqi which later became known as "The house of griefs." Thereafter, with every sunrise, Fatima Zahra (s.a) would take Hasan (a.s) and Husayn (a.s) to that house, and cry until sunset, when Imam Ali (a.s) would come and bring them back home.

However in the midst of great anguish and pain that she went through she did not forsake her most important duty i.e. defending and helping the Imam of her time. When Ameerul Momeneen (a.s) was tied in ropes and forcibly being taken to the caliphs court she forgot all her sufferings and rushed to help the Imam of the time.
In addition she would accompany the Imam of the time to the houses of the people and remind them of their pledge at Ghadeer. However she received the shock of her life when Abu Bakr  accused her and her husband in the following words:

"O people! What is this attentiveness to every aimless speech?!
Where were these claims at the time of Allah's Messenger (as)?
He who heard something should say so!
He who witnessed anything should speak out!

Surely they are (‘Ali and Fatima) like foxes who have no witnesses save their tails!
They instigate every dissension!
And say: Renew (trouble) after it has cooled down
They seek help from the weak and acquire support from women
They are like Umm Tahal (a woman who was a prostitute during the era of ignorance) whose family chose prostitution for her

Surely if I wish 1 can say a lot; and
had I said (something), would have revealed (much).
But, I will remain silent as long as I am left alone."

Alas! How improper and inappropriate are these words for the most pious and the sacred personalities of the worlds. How aggrieved they must have felt at these words of Abu Bakr ?
Let us join this holy lady in her prayers at the time when the burning door fell on her:
O Allah ! Hasten the reappearance of Mahdi.

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