Monday, July 7, 2014

Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani – False Claimant

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. In 1891, he claimed on the basis of Divine revelation (which is not true), that he was the Promised Messiah (Hazrat Isa) and Mahdi whose advent had been foretold by Muhammad (saww), the Holy Prophet of Islam and by the scriptures of other faiths. His claim constitutes the basis of the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community
He had made various claims which were recorded and published in September 1904 issue of the Review of Religions (Vol.3, No.9.) We present a few of them along with its reply.
Claim No.1

He writes “…………………After a heavy fight, the Messiah of God would drive back the powers of darkness, and the glory, majesty, unity and holiness of God would be proclaimed upon earth and would continue to be declared for a thousand years, the

seventh day of the Holy Books of God. Then will be the end. I am that Messiah: let him who will, accept me.
Imam Mahdi (atfs) will remove all the tyranny and injustice from the world, and will fill the earth with justice and equity. And after the advent of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani injustice and oppression seems to increase day by day in this world and in 21st Century also we all are witness to what is happening in the globe.

Claim No.2
He writes “……….I see that a mighty revolution has taken place in the world since I was appointed by Almighty God to this heavenly office. While in Europe and America the doctrine of the Divinity of Jesus is being rejected by all sensible thinkers, in India idol-worship is fast losing ground.”
Divinity of Jesus is still the part of Christianity and there are more than billions following this doctrine. Secondly,we also see that Idol Worship is not losing ground at all; its increasing multifold and it does not seems to end till the Re-appearance of Imam Mahdi (atfs)

Claim No.3
He wrote in his book Noorul Haq Part 2, Roohani Khazaen Vol 8 page 196:
"Dare qutani has recorded that Imam Muhammad bin Ali has narrated that there are two signs for our Mahdi which never appeared before, that is, never occurred for any other person since the creation of the earth and the heavens and these are that the moon will begin to be eclipsed in the beginning of the night in Ramazan and the sun will be eclipsed in the remaining half of the month.”

 Forget about the authenticity of hadith, even if we assume as authentic this saying would only be true when the meaning is kept according to the face value of the obvious words that lunar and solar eclipses will occur on first night and 15th of Ramadan but Astronomical studies are enough to prove that from the creation of the heavens and the earth, eclipses have never occurred on these dates.

Apart from above Claims, lets briefly compare Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianis particulars with those of Imam Mahdi:

1. Genealogy: As Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn al-‘Arabi (and Sheikh Abdul Wahhab Sha'arani in short) wrote, Imam Mahdi (atfs) is the son of Imam Hasan Al-Askari (as) whose genealogy he has recorded up to Amirul-Mumeneen Ali bin Abu-Talib (as); and all his ancestors (up to Ali bin Abu-Talib) are the well-known figures of history and are the Imams of the Shia Ithna-asheris.
'This specific genealogy does not leave any room for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to claim that he was the said Mahdi. He was Ghulam Ahmad son of Ghulam Murtaza son of Ata Muhammad son of Gul Muhammad.
So far as his origin is concerned, he seems to make various contradictory statements. Sometimes he claimed to be a Mongol; at others to be a Chinese; sometimes he was of Persian origin, at others of Turk. And the world knows him as a Punjabi Indian.
2. Date and Place of Birth: Imam Mahdi (atfs) was born on 15th Sha'ban, 255 A.H. in
Samarra in Iraq; and in the year 958 his age was 703 years.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was born in 1839 or 1840 AD, i.e about 1000 years after the birth of Imam Mahdi (atfs), and he did not live even up to 76 years as he claimed to be promised by God. He was born in Qadian in India.
3. His Appearing: Muslims will do the Bay'at of Imam Mahdi (atfs) between Rukn and Maqam of Ka'aba. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did not even see the Rukn and Maqam !!!!

4. Distribution of Wealth: Imam Mahdi (atfs) will distribute so much wealth that nobody will remain needy and no one will accept the charity any more. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, till the last days of his life, depended upon others donations and contributions. In the beginning it were the Muslims who were approached to contribute towards the publication of his books; in the end it were his followers who were taxed to support him and his family.
5.Infallibility: Imam Mahdi (atfs) will commit no mistake. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's life is full of the mistakes in deeds and beliefs and in its actions.
6.Jihad: Imam Mahdi (atfs) will call towards the path of Allah with sword. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani abrogated and cancelled the Jihad (Holy War) and made the fighting in the cause of religion unlawful.
7.Coming of Prophet Jesus (a.s): During the days of Imam Mahdi (atfs) Hazrat Esa (a.s) will come down to assist him and will pray behind him. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani could not persuade Hazrat Esa (a.s) to come down; so he claimed to be Jesus himself along with the claim of Mahdi.
 8. Death: Imam Mahdi (atfs) will die clean and pure. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani died of epidemic cholera which is the dirtiest disease.
9. Not a Follower of any other Muslim Scholar: Imam Mahdi (atfs) will neither be a follower in Fiqh (The Islamic Laws) of any other person nor will he act upon analogies. His source of knowledge will be from God and direct communion with the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad Al-Mustafa (saww).
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, on the other hand, followed the Fiqh of Imam Abu Hanifa till the last day of his life; and so do his followers up till now.

Therefore, Mirza was not Imam Mahdi.

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