Sunday, February 1, 2015

JEALOUSY الحَسَد

Jealousy is a psychological state in which a person wishes for the deprivation of a blessing,talent, or merit possessed by another person (the mahsud). Islam has shed light on the causes and motives of hasad and its harmful effects. It offers practical solutions for combating this spiritual disease.

Hazrat Ameerul Momeneen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (as) introduces jealousy thus :

ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) : الحَسدُ حَبْسُ الرُّوحِ.

‘Jealousy is the spirit’s imprisonment.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 372]  

He also says ‘The jealous one sees a loss for the one he is jealous of as a gain for himself.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 1832]  

And the Prophet (sawa) said, ‘Allah, Mighty and Exalted, said to Moses son of Imran (as) ‘Verily the jealous is discontented with My bounties, and wards off the shares I have apportioned to My servants.’[al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 307, no. 6]  

The Causes and Motives of jealousy

Qualities in others such as certain intellectual, spiritual, and moral merits, or good and pious deeds, or outward factors such as honour, prestige and wealth can cause hasad. Also, immoral or negative traits that are imagined to be merits can be a cause of hasad. Almost all of the causes of hasad are the products of a feeling of inferiority and dejectedness. When a person perceives others to be more perfect than himself, a feeling of inferiority seizes him, which, with the help of external factors and inner propensities, generates the feeling of envy in his heart.

Allamah al‑Majlisi has mentioned seven causes and motives of hasad. We have listed these causes and in some cases provided examples of hasad corresponding to the cause:

1. Enmity : Hasad can be the result of enmity. For example, enmity against another family, tribe or group can cause one to envy successes they achieve.

2. The sense of one's supremacy : The hasid (one who envies) anticipates the pride of the mahsud on account of a merit mahsud enjoys. Not having the patience to put up with this pride, the hasid feels a sense of superiority and earnestly desires the loss of this merit.

3. Kibr (pride) and Wonder: The hasid high‑handedly treats the person who is conferred some merit, favour, or talent, and may wonder to see a great blessing enjoyed by the object of his envy. For example, a wealthy individual outwardly looks with disdain upon the respect enjoyed by a poor person believing that he deserves to be the recipient of such admiration.

4. Fear and Love of authority : Also, the envious man is fearful of some hindrance on the part of the person enjoying an advantage or talent or merit that may frustrate his cherished objectives. Such fear manifests itself when one's acquiring or preserving authority over others requires that nobody should share his advantages or merits. For example, one who wishes to be re-elected as the leader of an organization may desire that no other member step forward and exhibit leadership skills such as eloquence of speech and efficiency of organization and mobilization.

5. Viciousness of nature: A human being of vicious nature does not like to see others enjoying any kind of good whatsoever. Such a person always greets news of anothers good fortune for example, in education or business, with sarcasm pessimism, and ridicule or with other unethical tactics or conduct.

The Evil effects of Hasad:

Envy is one of the deadliest diseases of the heart and it produces additional vices such as hypocrisy, backbiting, slandering, abuse, taunting, and torturing, all of which are grave sins. This hideous condition makes the human heart so narrow and gloomy that its effects pervade the realm of one's inner and outer being. The fears and grief of the hasid revolve around the person(s) of whom he is envious.

1. Imam Ali (a) said: A hasid is a sick person though he (may) physically appear to be healthy. (Gharar, hadith no. 1963)

2. Muhammad ibn Muslim reports that al- Imam al‑Baqir (a) said: A man may be forgiven for something done in a fit of anger, but hasad devours faith as fire consumes wood . (Usul al‑Kafi , vol. 2, p. 306, Bab al-Hasad, hadith no. 1)

3.Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: Satan says to his soldiers:  Instil
hasad and disobedience of Allah among them (bani Adam) as these are equal to shirk (polytheism) in the yes of Allah.(Usul al-Kafi , vol. 2, p. 327)

The sgins of Jealousy

ـ الإمامُ الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) : قالَ لُقمانُ لابنِهِ : للحاسِدِ ثَلاثُ عَلاماتٍ : يَغْتابُ إذا غابَ ، ويَتَملّقُ إذا شَهِدَ ، ويَشْمَتُ بالمُصيبَةِ.

Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘Luqman told his son, ‘There are three signs of the jealous person: he backbites someone in his absence, flatters him in his presence, and rejoices at the misery of others.’[al-Khisal, p. 121, no. 113]

The Cure for this Disease

If you suffer from this deadly disease, seriously contemplate the enormity of its devastating effects on your faith. Consider taking following steps to purge it from your heart:

1. Know that your envy doesnt harm your mahsud , nor does it make him lose any of his favours and merits. You shall ever suffer in grief pain, and anguish while the mahsud is in a state of bliss and joy. In the Hereafter as well your envy will benefit your mahsud , especially if it results in backbiting or slandering as your good deeds will be assigned to the mahsud.

2. Force yourself to be affectionate with the mahsud . The aim of your kindness should be to cure yourself of envy. Your inner self will ask you to ill-treat or hurt him, but you must act against these inclinations and be friendly to him. You must respect him and gradually convince your heart to respect him.

3.Try to see his virtues yourself and think that these are favours of Allah on him. Force yourself to speak in his praise and make his good qualities known to others. Though your behaviour will be unnatural in the beginning, since your aim is self‑rectification, it will gradually become less artificial. InshaAllah , day by day this will become a reality and your heart will follow your tongue to appreciate his virtues and good qualities.

4.You should convince yourself and make it understand that your mahsud is a creature of God; perhaps it is God's grace that He has selected him for the advantages and blessings he enjoys that you do not (currently) possess.

5. If, God forbid, the object of your envy is a scholar endowed with knowledge or piety, you must understand that he is from the chosen ones of God, blessed by great merit. Try to generate love and humbleness towards him.


Hasad is a disease of the soul that has grave psychological, moral, and social consequences. Fortunately, with faith and, sincere and persistent efforts, it is curable. A faithful person is optimistic, has a hopeful attitude towards God, and is satisfied with the way He has divided His bounties among His creatures.

We end with the words of Imam Ali (as) “The person who gives up hasad is loved by people.”  (Bihar al-Anwar , vol.77, p. 237, hadith no. 1)

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