Friday, February 28, 2014

Janabe Ummul Baneen (sa)

Right from the advent of Islam, there have been great personalities whose mention makes us realize their contribution towards the divine religion. The sacrifice, worship and etiquettes of the fourteen infallibles are matchless and incomparable. However, there are others who were attached to the household of Holy Prophet (a) and justified their connection with the Ahle Bait (a) on the basis of their sincere actions and absolute submission. This appeasement is not gender bias and includes all categories of humans. We cannot belittle the beneficence of ladies in supporting Islam and it is our duty pay our regards to them.
There have been many glorious ladies passed in antiquity whose status, the Holy Prophet (s) has introduced in the following tradition

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص أَفْضَلُ نِسَاءِ الْجَنَّةِ أَرْبَعٌ خَدِيجَةُ بِنْتُ خُوَيْلِدٍ وَ فَاطِمَةُ بِنْتُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ مَرْيَمُ بِنْتُ عِمْرَانَ وَ آسِيَةُ بِنْتُ مُزَاحِمٍ امْرَأَةُ فِرْعَوْن
The Holy Prophet (s) said: the best of women on paradise are four viz: Khadija bint Khuwailid, Fatima bint Mohammad (s), Maryam bint Imran and Aasiya bint Mazaahim, the wife of Firaun
(Ref: Bihar ul Anwar V 13, Pg 162 H 3).

However, our discussion is regarding a lady whose sacrifice came on a day which is matchless in the history of mankind. She has had the honor of being a wife to an Imam and two Imams and other members of the pure tree calling her as their mother. Our thousands and thousands of salutations to this revered lady whom the mourners of Sayyid us Shohada remember as Janabe Ummul Baneen, mother of Abil Fazlil Abbas (a).

Her name was Fatima bint Hizaam bin Khalid bin Rabi’atah al-Kilabiyah. She belonged to al-Kilab tribe and was the cousin of Shimr bin Ziljawshan (la).

There are indications on the internet (w/o reference) that she was born in 5 AH.

The chapter of her life which is famous and is well known among historians is that after a few years of the martyrdom of J. Fatima Zahra (s), Ameerul Momineen (a) intended to re-marry with the intention of a child from this marriage who would represent him and defend Imam Husain (a) in Karbala. He requested his brother Aqil bin Abi Talib who was an expert in genealogy to look for a bride for him in a family famous for their courage and bravery. Thus, on the recommendation of J. Aqil he (a) tied knots with J. Ummul Baneen (sa).

J. Ummul Baneen knew very well that she can never replace the position of J. Fatima Zahra (s) hence never considered herself to be the wife of Imam Ali (a) and mother of his children. She always called herself a servant of the Ahlul Bait. May be for this reason, never did Hazrat Abbas (a) referred to Imam Hasan, Imam Husain, J. Zainab and J. Umm Kulsum (a) as siblings but always called them as masters or mistresses respectively.

She had four sons hence she was called as Ummul Baneen (Mother of many children). All the four sons were martyred in a single day at Karbala.

She had trained all her children to be loyal to Ahlil Bait (a) even at the cost of their lives. May be that is a reason that when Shimr (la) received the letter of Ibn Ziyad (la), he along with Abdullah b.  Abi  Mahal,  approached Ubaydillah (la) to plead exemption for the sons of his paternal  aunt,  Ummul  Baneen (s).  The latter complied with this request and issued a letter. Abdullah b. Abi Mahal ordered his freed slave,Karman, to deliver the letter to his  nephews.  Karman did as ordered and handed over the letter to Janabe Ummul Baneen’s sons. However, the latter did not even bother reading the message. They said that they would never accept any immunity from Ibne Ziyad as Allah’s promise of deliverance was more veracious than that of  Ibne Ziyad (la). Tabari writes further, that on the eve of Ashoora, which happened  to be a Thursday, Shimr approached Imam Hussain’s  camp. He demanded,
 Where are my nephews?
Hearing him, Hazrat Abbas, J. Abdullah, J. Usman and J. Ja’far, stepped out of their tents. They asked him,
What do you want with us?’
Shimr (la) replied,
I bring tidings of reprieve for all of you?
They retorted contemptuously,
Curse be upon you and your reprieve! You, our uncle, are willing to offer us immunity but deprive the Prophet’s son of it..
(Tarikh-e-Tabari part IV, page, 241-242, printed by Nafis Academy, Karachi).

The sons of J. Ummul Baneen chose martyrdom over amnesty. This was the result of the training of their mother that through their sacrifice they made theirs and their mothers’ remembrance immortal. Whenever the sorrows of Karbala will be recited the name of J. Ummul Baneen will be taken with utmost respect.

She left for heavenly abode a few years after the battle of Karbala. She is buried in Jannat ul Baqi on the left hand side of the cemetery.

To conclude, let us refer to the last sentences of Ziyarat where we plead to her with these words
 يا وجيهة عند الله ، اشفعي لنا عند الله
O the incumbent one to Allah, you intercede for us near Allah.

Such is the magnificence of the mother of Abil Fazl that she is qualified to intercede for believers on the Day of Judgment. May Allah include us among the mourners of her sons. InshaAllah

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